Baked Apples with Tahini & Cinnamon

Feb 16, 2021

I'm getting a tad excited looking out of my kitchen window at our apple trees. The apples are getting big and ripe and almost ready to eat. Yay! 

If you're looking for a healthy low-sugar treat to keep in pleasure-mode, this recipe has got you covered. This is even compliant to our 2-week blood sugar reset adrenal nutrition plan. Woot woot!


  • 6 green apples
  • ¼ cup tahini
  • 1 tbsp cinnamon


  • Preheat oven at 180 degrees celsius. Grease a casserole dish or slice tin.
  • Peel the apples and cut up thinly. Arrange in the dish.
  • Pour the tahini and sprinkle the cinnamon over the apples.
  • Place the dish in the oven for 20-30min, until apples are cooked through, and the tahini and cinnamon has started going crispy.
  • Serve the apples on their own, or with some coconut yogurt or coconut cream. Yummo!

Note: you can adjust the amount of tahini and cinnamon to your liking. Use less or more apples as well, depending on how much you want to make (ahem, eat, lol).


This recipe is approved for our following Healing Diets:

- Adrenal Healing Nutrition Plan 

- Gluten-Free / Celiac & Non-Celiac Gluten-Sensitivity

- Dairy-free 

- Vegan


Omit/Sub following ingredients to fit with our other Healing Diets:

- Low-Histamine - sub the cinnamon for ginger


Author: Filipa Bellette, Clinical Nutritionist & Functional Medicine Practitioner

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