Luscious Lime Easter Eggs
Apr 01, 2021
Happy Easter everybody! Here's some Easter kitchen inspo for you :)
Ok, so my homemade eggs aren’t the prettiest ever, but at least they’re healthy! These little beauts are full of good fats and naturally flavoured with a food-grade lime essential oil for a citrusy twist. Haven’t ever tasted lime-flavored chocolate, so I thought I’d give it a go. I’m always up for some kitchen cuisine experimentalisation!
- 250g cacao butter
- 80g raw cacao
- 80g rice malt syrup
- 70g coconut oil
- 8 drops lime essential oil (food-grade)
- Goji berries, coconut chips, cashews, and buckwheat to decorate
(other flavour options: other essential oils such as lavender, peppermint, orange or grapefruit, or nut butter, vanilla bean, berries.)
- Melt cacao butter in a heatproof bowl over a pot of boiling water.
- Once melted, take off the heat and add all other ingredients.
- Whisk together until all ingredients are well combined.
- Pour into greased egg molds and sprinkle each egg with a combination of goji berries, coconut, cashews, and buckwheat.
- Freeze for 30min or until set.
If you just want to make chocolate, pour it into ice cube trays or on a slab of baking paper.
This recipe is approved for our following Healing Diets:
- Adrenal Healing Nutrition Plan (post 2-week blood sugar reset, or sub the feta for a nut-based feta)
- Gluten-Free / Celiac & Non-Celiac Gluten-Sensitivity
- Dairy-free
Author: Filipa Bellette, Clinical Nutritionist & Functional Medicine Practitioner
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