Uncover the Root Cause of Your Energy, Mood & Gut Issues!

Welcome to the best root-cause healing program in Australia!

Doors to The Ending Body Burnout Method have just closed, sorry! But you can start with the first step below, a Connect The Dots Initial  Consult

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Life's too short to have body burnout

Fatigue Issues

On the go, hustling & grinding, juggling work & parenting...and now you're exhausted!

"Sure, the couch sounds great, but the dishes aren't done"

Gut Issues

Bloating, constipation, heart burn, loose stools, food sensitivities, catching ALL the infections

"Something's not right...but the GP results come back fine?!?"

Mood Issues

Anxious, snappy, hormonal mood swings, overwhelmed, low libido, demotivated.

"Feeling out of it all just in my head?"

What is body burnout costing you...

In your family, your work and your life?


Whether you're just starting out with healing, or you've been at it for years, we're here to help you...

...every step of your journey!

About Us

Hello! We are a husband & wife power-couple, wholehearted about ending body burnout - for good! Since 2009, we have worked in the health industry. And, well, we soon got burrrrrned-out ourselves, trying to juggle business, family and our own failing health.

While doing the “physical” protocols helped to an extent, we quickly realised that in order to heal the deepest ROOT-root-cause of body burnout, we needed to unravel and rewire addictive-doing, perfectionism and people pleasing patterns that led us - and our clients - to burnout in the first place. 

We work with people across Australia and beyond who are DONE with ad-hoc bandaid approaches, who are READY to dive deep into root-causes, and whose hearts are singing YES to finding their spark again! 

How To Work With Us

Start With The First Step

You don’t want to wait for doors to open, or only ready for the first step?

Book in for a Connect The Dots Experience and get started with lab testing.


Dive Right In To End Your Body Burnout

Ready to get to the deepest root-cause of your body burnout, heal your body systems & find your spark?

Join our signature program - doors open 3 x year or jump on waitlist.


Read The Book

Totally confused with the steps to take to heal your energy, mood & gut issues?

Get the book! It’s your full guide to healing body systems & root-cause contributors.


Listen To Our Podcast

The Ending Body Burnout Show

Find your spark!

Join Chris & Filly as they show you a holistic “ROOT" root-cause approach to healing from body burnout, so that you don’t have to continue doctor or diet hopping, or popping a gazillion supplements, hoping something might stick.

It IS possible to get MORE than just short-term relief. And this is what our Ending Body Burnout Show is all about.

Get ready to heal your body, find your spark, deeply love and connect with yourself, AND step into the life of your dreams. Let’s dive in!

Listen to our top episodes

Get the book

Crazy-busy and overwork have become the new normal. Add to that our tendency to be people pleasers and perfectionists and we’ve created the perfect storm of stresses that lead to body burnout. If you have energy, mood, gut & other “weird” inflammatory issues that won’t go away, then read on.

In the book, Ending Body Burnout, award-winning Functional Medicine Practitioner & Trauma Therapist, Filipa Bellette, takes you through the three main body systems that burnout in high-achievers, as well as the three key root-cause contributors you need to address to end your body burnout - for good!

  • Discover the body systems that burnout when you're running "busy" patterns
  • Heal the unconscious mind, so body systems can heal
  • Eat, sleep and move well, to support healing
  • Set up your environment for success