00:00:03:07 - 00:00:16:23
Hello and welcome to the ending Body Burnout show. We are your host, Chris and Filly, co-founders of a multi winning functional medicine practice serving busy people with energy, mood and gut issues.
00:00:17:00 - 00:00:24:21
Well, business, addictive doing, people pleasing and perfectionism might be the norm. It's not normal and it's a major contributor to health issues.
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Our goal with this show is to give you a holistic root root cause approach to healing your body so that you don't have to continue doctor or diet hopping or popping a gazillion supplements hoping something might stick.
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So get ready to heal your body. Get your spark back deeply, connect with yourself, and step into the life of your dreams.
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Let's dive in.
00:00:55:22 - 00:01:46:05
Hello. It is Filly here. Welcome to the podcast. We have another client story today for you. These are by far my most favourite episodes. It's not only really special, having a client coming on to honestly vulnerably share that they healing journey, but also it's really sacred. And after we finished recording at the end of this podcast, Jo and I had a little chat afterwards and we were talking about how being able to voice and share one's personal story, especially when there's been patterns in the past, like there was video where she was silenced, where she didn't feel heard or seen, where it wasn't safe to voice her opinions.
00:01:46:07 - 00:02:23:06
And where there was a deeper root cause belief of being unlovable. So therefore there always had to be a mask on and people pleasing and rescuing patterns and that sort of thing happening. So it's a big, full circle. I feel like for Jo and for many of our clients who share their story where it is, they have created enough safety within themselves and in our space and have really rewired and reprogrammed at a deep level, the beliefs that they have about themselves so that it is safe to be able to, to share their story.
00:02:23:06 - 00:02:49:13
And there is that self-trust in that self-confidence. So this is a theme that you hear in this episode today. And, we'll also dig into how Joy overcome some pretty debilitating anxiety that had been building up over the past ten or so years. But, Covid was the last straw on the camel's back and a breakdown of a relationship.
00:02:49:15 - 00:03:16:22
And then, she had a pattern where she would be able to put on a mask, put on a shield soldier, forward, be the the warrior mom. But before reaching out to us, things got the pressure cooker got so big that it had burst, and her system was just stuck in this chronic state of fight or flight, and there was no amount of positive thoughts or techniques that she could use to bring herself back, to calm and to self-regulate.
00:03:16:22 - 00:03:48:21
So we really dig into how she overcame pretty severe anxiety. We touched on her gut health journey as well, and how she's now connected the brain and the gut, or the body and the mind together to be able to create safety alignment and to find flow in herself and in her life again. So I'm really excited for you to be able to share this beautiful story, of Jo's, these these real life stories do metabolise trauma.
00:03:48:21 - 00:04:23:09
So it's a healing experience for Jo and for other people to share their story. But also it's healing for you, too. I call these real life healing stories evidence collecting. So it's evidence that healing is possible. And as you listen to Jo, I would encourage you to put yourself into her shoes as well and know that that there is a little spark inside of you desperately wanting to get your attention, knowing that you are enough and that you are so worthy and deserving of being well.
00:04:23:11 - 00:04:52:06
So before we dive into today's episode, just a reminder that we have, So this past week has been launch week for our ending body burn out method. So our doors have been open, for the past week. And last week we also had an incredible time, sharing our method freely for free in our unravel perfectionism and body burn out.
00:04:52:08 - 00:05:16:13
Live free coaching week. And as part of our live Free Coaching week. We do have one last webinar tonight at 7 p.m. Sydney, Australia time. I do realise that it's a public holiday today. So hopefully you can come. Maybe. Actually it makes it easier to attend live. And this webinar is all about the five breakthroughs to overcome your healing block.
00:05:16:13 - 00:05:47:12
So Chris and I, over our 25 plus combined years of working in the health industry, have identified five main reasons why people either stay stuck in their health issues and don't take that next step to really deeply and thoroughly heal or and or the five main reasons why you might be trying some things a bit. You're feeling blocked, and you're not actually getting the healing results that you think you should be getting.
00:05:47:17 - 00:06:14:15
So tonight's going to be really awesome. We're going to take you through those five blocks and coach you through how to break through them. If you have attended at any of our free events, or if you're a client or a past client, you know that when we're with you, live, we want to actually help you to either break through a block, get a really, deep insight, or even have a mini or a big transformation.
00:06:14:15 - 00:06:49:19
So that is what you can expect when you jump on live with us, and we will actually coach you in real time. It's also a great way of experiencing how we work with our clients as well. And if our ending body burnout method resonates, especially if you really like, resonate with Gerry story today in the process that we took her through to heal, anxiety, psychosomatic symptoms and and ongoing patterns of people pleasing and not being able to share her voice, then, you have two days, depending on when you're listening to this.
00:06:49:19 - 00:07:12:10
So our doors do close to the ending body burn out method on Tuesday the 28th, 9 p.m. Sydney, Australia time. So if you are listening to that, this episode before then check out the show notes and you can press the link to join the program. It'll take you straight to our ending body burn out method page, and you can sign up there.
00:07:12:11 - 00:07:35:20
Also in the show notes will be a sign up link to come along to our free, coaching webinar tonight as well, where we're going to break through blocks to healing. So hopefully you make it tonight. And if your heart has been singing and you're being pulled to joining our ending body Barnett method and working with Chris one on one, our ending body burn out method is not a course.
00:07:35:20 - 00:08:00:13
And it's also not just group coaching. We have two options of working inside the program. And with us there is a more VIP high ticket, private one on one where you're getting regular weekly calls, coaching, monthly treatment reviews. The TTP trauma therapy is included in that one as well. And Jo talks about that and her experience in the episode today.
00:08:00:15 - 00:08:24:00
If that's out of a budget, then we do have our semi-private option, which is still inclusive of one on one support. So we do have weekly group coaching, workshops in that which are all recorded. So if you can't or don't want to jump on live, you can catch up on those in the online portal. Plus you're still meeting with me one on one every month.
00:08:24:02 - 00:08:57:15
To go over body system, treatment protocols and also course coaching. And you also have unlimited access to Chris and I in a one on one container as well. So this is where you can email through any, blocks that you have happening if you have any questions, if you're struggling with anything, if you're working through, any part of our program and you want to get our feedback from a coaching point of view or a practitioner point of view, you have us in your corner 24 seven.
00:08:57:15 - 00:09:16:10
I mean, obviously, I'm not going to reply to you at midnight, but essentially, it is you get a lot of one on one support. So this is personalised, healing. And we're really proud of what we've created. And we've also created they set a really affordable price for the amount of one on one support that you do receive.
00:09:16:10 - 00:10:02:05
So please jump in if you're feeling cold. Take that courage to take the next step. Which Jo and I talk about at the end of the podcast as well. So without, any further, announcements, let's jump into today's episode. Welcome to the podcast, everybody. I am so excited, and my heart is so happy to have one of our beautiful clients who graduated from the ending body ban out method a while ago, the lovely Jo here to come and share her story, which really is an incredible story and Jo, I feel like you've just done the work at a really deep soul level and integrated and embodied so much.
00:10:02:05 - 00:10:08:08
And and you've received the results. So I'm really excited for everyone to hear your story for.
00:10:08:09 - 00:10:16:14
Thank you Sally. Thank you. Yeah. I'm excited to be here and to have the opportunity to share. Take a listen. Yay!
00:10:16:16 - 00:10:30:19
Okay, let's let's start off with getting some backstory around past health, wellness, mental health issues. And when your body started first showing signs of body burn out, you happy to go back into the past?
00:10:30:21 - 00:11:06:18
Yeah, yeah. For sure. This, I think as long as I can remember, I have always suffered. We got issues. Even as a little girl, and most of that would have been floating in constipation. I had, skin allergies as well. So dry, itchy skin, a little bit of, vertigo as well. But that sort of came, off out a few years later.
00:11:06:19 - 00:11:39:02
When, well, I'm divorced, so I actually, was divorced ten years ago. And whilst, you know, the majority of, of that time in my time in my marriage was happy, it actually, was quite stressful. And there was a lot of mental health issues that, developed from that. And I found that when I was going through certain areas, it's a, that progressing through that whole period.
00:11:39:04 - 00:12:04:20
Yeah. Depression came into my, I had depression into my little repertoire. My gut issues really flared up again. The constipation was quite severe. And the bloating was quite severe. But because I'd had that most of my life, really, I just thought it was my God. And that's just what it was. And obviously someone who is, you know, has children.
00:12:04:20 - 00:12:22:10
And going through divorces can be quite stressful. So, yeah, you know, I had a little bit of depression, I'm sure was, you know, warranted and valid. So that's what I told myself, that it was all normal and it was okay. And I didn't know any different. And so yeah.
00:12:22:12 - 00:12:45:01
I was going to say which is, which is a super common story that people tell themselves and probably just culturally, culturally society as well, that it's like, you know, we're supposed to have them. It's normal. Everyone, everyone has symptoms pop up from time to time. You hear that a lot with PMS and perimenopause as well. Like it's normal to have pain.
00:12:45:01 - 00:12:55:09
It's normal to feel a bit crazy. It's normal to have hot flushes and it's like, no, actually these are just signs that something like your body actually feels like there's danger.
00:12:55:11 - 00:13:22:09
Yeah, yeah, I once I unpacked all of that, I could see that at the time. Yeah, it was just normal, you know, I, I suppose I, I'm a people pleaser. So to me, being there for my ex-husband when he needed, me, I just put a lot of what I needed aside because I didn't feel I was important.
00:13:22:09 - 00:13:48:04
I thought that his journey, was more important than my journey. And so I was be like, give it a cold. I'll sort myself out later. Let's just get him all sorted and everything will be fine. And then that, I suppose, just became the story for my hunger, for my life that, you know, my, what was what I was going through didn't matter.
00:13:48:04 - 00:13:51:09
And it wasn't as important as somebody else's. June.
00:13:51:11 - 00:13:53:11
00:13:53:13 - 00:14:17:14
And so I sort of went through that, having to adjust to being a single mum. You know, I had two children to look after, so, I had one gorgeous boy who's almost 25. So he's he's on his way now. He's creating a source of life for himself. That my daughter at the time was only five, so, I needed to step up and be there for her.
00:14:17:16 - 00:14:38:23
At that time as well, I, I suppose, grabbed my Wonder Woman shield and just kept going forward, and I didn't allow anybody in. I just felt I needed to, to get on with life. I didn't want to show them, you know, that mum was falling apart. You know, they'd already lost this huge part of their life, and their whole life was not the same anymore.
00:14:38:23 - 00:15:05:03
So I had to pick up that that shield and just keep moving forward and, and so because of that, I didn't show a lot of vulnerability feeling. I kept a lot of stuff together. I felt like I was together, you know, but deep down in my body had a different story. And I just marched forward. I kept going, I, I survived, I got myself another job, I moved away from home, I bought myself a house.
00:15:05:03 - 00:15:33:10
So I did all the things, that on paper were great. And I felt really proud that I had achieved those things. And I could do those things. And I also at that time did a lot of work on myself really. I knew, I knew that there was something deeper and with my ex-husband's, mental health issues, in order for me to help him and to take his pain away and to make life easier for him.
00:15:33:12 - 00:16:07:14
I actually went and study and, you know, some mental health stuff. And I was a counsellor for lifeline. And I remember actually, the moment when I, was in a class and I saw we were talking about abuse cycles, and I realised that I was in, a mental and, and emotional abusive relationship. And that was really hard, like to actually just stop and look at that, because I was there to get information for him.
00:16:07:16 - 00:16:27:05
And I was looking at all of these things, and I was thinking, okay, there's all these things that we'll be able to do together and there's all these wonderful available information. But I never stopped to look at my journey. And there was a very clean moment when I was reading it, and I thought, that's me. Like, I can see the cycles.
00:16:27:05 - 00:16:31:21
I looked at the cycles, I could see the cycles. And that was very confronting to.
00:16:31:21 - 00:16:34:08
00:16:34:10 - 00:16:59:11
See that, that is that that was my life. And from that moment on, I was like, okay, I need to start looking at this a bit further. And so I went and just did a lot of stuff for me on the side. You know, I looked sort of, started. That's where I suppose my, my metaphysical journey started with the brains and the thoughts and the patterns and.
00:16:59:13 - 00:17:05:17
Yeah, behaviour patterns and things. So yeah. Yeah. So I had that introduction. Yeah. Maybe ten years ago.
00:17:05:20 - 00:17:12:22
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, I've already converted to the fact that the body and mind are connected. Yeah.
00:17:13:00 - 00:17:15:04
Yeah, yeah.
00:17:15:06 - 00:17:29:23
Sorry. Then. So laugh continued and maybe we'll talk about Covid time because I feel like if we're going along the timeline, Covid, as it was for many people, was a very stressful time for a lot of people.
00:17:30:01 - 00:17:31:08
00:17:31:10 - 00:17:50:19
Are you happy to share what was going on for you? And was that was this kind of part of the thing that, I don't want to use the term the last straw that broke the camel's back, but almost like this stuff that had been simmering beneath the surface for a long time in the chronic stress. Like, was this a big part of then when things kind of blew up for you?
00:17:50:21 - 00:18:32:00
Yeah. Again, at the time, I didn't realise the impact that that particular time had, affected me. I didn't realise the effect that it had on my body, probably until maybe 12 months after, when I was in another relationship. And that broke down. And then once that broke down, I realised that that particular part in the middle, that Covid, played a huge role in, me losing myself silly, losing that part of me that had always, I'd always been quite close or connected to my my intuition on my gut, you know?
00:18:32:00 - 00:18:49:00
You know, when you get those weird messages that say, hey, don't go that way, not okay, and I'll do this. So I've always been able to land on my feet, and I had a girlfriend who's just, like, has quite often said to me, I'm amazed that everything falls into into place for you. And even though it's tough at the time, it it always does.
00:18:49:00 - 00:19:14:03
And looking back, I could always see that I was always guided and, that was the big thing, I think that I lost, I lost that connection to myself. But so during Covid, as I said, I had just purchased my own home. So in 2020, at the end of 2019, I'd purchased my own home, and my daughter and I were ready to move into that.
00:19:14:03 - 00:19:31:16
I was in a relationship, you know, for a couple of years, and life was really good. I worked in the travel industry. So Covid came around and, in March. Yeah. And we were just, you know, hey, just take a bit of time off. This is funny. Crazy thing going around. But we should be good.
00:19:31:19 - 00:19:32:10
We should be good.
00:19:32:10 - 00:19:36:02
Two weeks. I thought it was going to be two weeks in the world will go back to normal.
00:19:36:04 - 00:19:56:09
And I'm like, you know what? Just take a month. We've got a month. Within a month, everything should be back to normal. So yeah, no worries. All good. You know, as I said, I had these new little part of my life I was looking forward to, so it was great. And then, of course, as we know that 12 months into that 12 full weeks ended up being a lot longer.
00:19:56:11 - 00:20:27:10
I was lucky at the time because they had, the job paper, I think it was at that time. Yeah. So I was still had income coming in to, to pay for my mortgage and support my child and buy things. And so it was okay. But it was every quarter it became less and less and less so, I had actually also, studied another area and when the payments became quite less, I thought, oh my gosh, I need to get another income.
00:20:27:10 - 00:20:51:20
So I actually went back into, the role that I had had previously, which was in a government government department. And I was like, okay. Yeah. Oh, good. This is great. I'm fine. I actually made the decision to leave my travel job because I felt that at that stage, this other job would be more secure, than the travel industry, because it was still so up and down.
00:20:51:22 - 00:21:15:00
And that, again, was a huge job because that had been a huge part of my life, but sorry, huge decision. So it had been a big part of my life. And, I don't know if I went quite merrily or good. And then, I received a notification that, in order to keep my job, I actually had to be vaccinated.
00:21:15:02 - 00:21:38:06
And, my children are all vaccinated. I have no problem with vaccinations. As far as I know, fully vaccinated. But there was just something about that particular one that, again, my gut kind of went, oh, you know what? Let's just let's just hold out on that one. So I did and, a lot of people were sort of worried and concerned about it, but I was like, that's okay.
00:21:38:08 - 00:22:03:03
I've decided for myself that I'm not going to take that option. That's all good. As it unfolded, I pretty much had to take that particular, vaccination. I received emails to say that, if I didn't, I would be investigated for misconduct. Misconduct? It was crazy. It was crazy silly. Even.
00:22:03:03 - 00:22:12:15
That word is very, very intense misconduct. And it's like I'm actually a good human being. I'm just listening to my intuition.
00:22:12:16 - 00:22:39:12
So I was like, what am I to. I'm just making a choice for me on, I'm not saying it's bad for anybody else, but for me, it's not where I want to go. Yeah, and I was okay with that. But the rest of the world wasn't. Yeah. And so I actually contacted my doctor because I could tell that this I was, I started to feel a little bit of anxiety and I'd, I'd had anxiety before, but I didn't really have it to these degree.
00:22:39:12 - 00:23:01:14
So I was a little bit like, oh my gosh, what am I feeling here? Yeah. And I spoke to her. And because I felt that if I had followed that suit and followed what someone was telling me what to do, there was a part of me that thought, well, why did I get divorced? Why did I go through all that healing and that progress and, you know, make all those decisions that was so hard to make.
00:23:01:16 - 00:23:34:01
But I made them because I knew that they were the best thing for myself in my family. And suddenly here I am told that I have to do something in order to be right or to be in or to be the good girl. Yeah. And that made me. Yeah, I knew that I needed to reach out and get a little bit of extra help at that time, because I knew I couldn't go through that on my own, and it was bringing up stuff from the past, from my, my marriage, my divorce, the mental and the emotional abuse that I, that I had suffered.
00:23:34:03 - 00:23:56:18
So I did reach out, and I had one session with a psychologist who told me that I needed to reassess everything, that the choice that I was making was probably not the best one. And I knew then straight away that I was on my own. Wow. I thought I should not talk to anybody about this.
00:23:56:23 - 00:24:21:01
I'm reaching out and I'm being bullied, and, like, I just felt like I didn't have a choice. And in that moment, for me, I just again felt that I was unimportant, that I didn't have a voice, that I was to be silenced. And again, we can unpack all that we, you know, we you're beautiful program. I realise why I felt that way, but that's how I felt.
00:24:21:03 - 00:24:22:03
00:24:22:04 - 00:24:25:13
And that was get to that a lot in a city.
00:24:25:15 - 00:24:47:08
But I felt so alone and I thought, I'm on this journey on my own. And again, I had to pick up that sword and that shield and just walk forward and not tell anybody my story, because I was not technically allowed to. I wasn't allowed to have those thoughts or opinions of or voice my concerns. I couldn't talk to anybody about it, even.
00:24:47:10 - 00:24:56:17
Actually, I was very lucky because I did have a beautiful, supportive family. And my partner at the time, he was very supportive of my decision to, which was great.
00:24:56:18 - 00:24:57:07
00:24:57:08 - 00:25:06:17
Yeah. But in a sense of work or anything else, yeah, it was really hard. This is an intense time.
00:25:06:17 - 00:25:25:14
I know so many people will resonate with this, because I remember during that time and I said to you before, we could have catched up today that I'm like, oh, I think I've got, like, this podcast that I want to share around my experience with Covid. So I won't go into it in great detail, but Dr..
00:25:25:14 - 00:25:41:19
In clinic, there are a lot of clients coming with this same story. They're like, I don't know what to do and I'm going to lose my job if I don't. So, you know, of course everyone had a choice, but there was a lot of pressure to make a choice and there was some big consequences to not make the choice.
00:25:41:19 - 00:26:04:05
And if you were in a workplace where you can actually offload any of that like that as you telling that story, I'm like, yeah, I mean, I had my own trauma around that, but it was very different to yours. Like, I had a lot of people that I could talk about because there were a lot of clients and my husband and actually not my extended family, that there was a lot of pressure from them.
00:26:04:05 - 00:26:26:06
Then it's like, you have to get the vaccine, otherwise you're going to kill your father. But yeah, it's it was an intense period. And I feel like if, if know if someone if anyone's listening and they're like, yeah, it was an intense period for me. And they haven't unpacked and processed that time in their life. It's still in the body like it's the body still remembers.
00:26:26:08 - 00:26:57:20
Absolutely feeling it was huge. And like I had previously. So I live two hours away from my ex-husband. So every fortnight I drive down to Sydney and that has been my routine for the last eight, nine years. And suddenly I had to have a copy of a letter or something. Case. I got pulled over on the side of the road to find out why I was driving to Sydney, which was just to take my daughter to see her dad.
00:26:57:20 - 00:27:27:21
So? So everything, everything changed. It was it was a huge time. And as you said, I didn't realise the trauma from that. That was inside my body until later. So I found myself, there were a couple of other, people in this, in my workplace who were sitting on the fence, and two of us sort of stuck to our guns and just went, no, we were asked to leave the premises.
00:27:27:23 - 00:27:31:10
We have to just pack up and go. It was horrific.
00:27:31:11 - 00:27:32:16
Horrific, lazy.
00:27:32:18 - 00:27:56:16
And I came home. Yeah. And I sat there and I thought, what am I gonna do? I have a child, I have a mortgage, I have no income as of now. I can't talk to anybody about this. It's huge. It's not just me making a decision that was keeping information for myself from my family about my my marriage and what was going on in my marriage.
00:27:56:18 - 00:28:12:11
This is the world like it was. It wasn't just between my ex-husband and I and my children. It was the whole world. Yeah. I'm like, how do I how do I even go about moving forward from these houses? I don't even know what tomorrow is going to look like.
00:28:12:13 - 00:28:13:06
00:28:13:08 - 00:28:38:11
But again, there's a little voice inside of me that said, hey, why don't you reach out to your, you know, buddies in the travel industry and see how we go? Yeah, and I did. And hey, you know what? That's perfect. That's three weeks off and come back in January. So I had my job. I was able to move back into my job that I had loved and had that really hard decision on making to leave.
00:28:38:13 - 00:28:58:19
So that was all good fun and. Well, yeah. The next 12 months from that was, really not 12 months. So I suppose the next couple of months from that, because it all happened around Christmas time. Like I couldn't go in and buy my daughter Christmas presents because I didn't have a green tick. I couldn't take her to the movies because I didn't have a green tick.
00:28:58:21 - 00:29:20:19
I had to then try and tell her that it was going to be okay, that that, you know, it's because she's saying all this stuff, like, you know, at school, so would have all this information that was like, yeah, well, you need to do this because you need to look after grandma, grandpa, mum and dad. And yeah, so I was fighting against all of that as well, or trying to create a safe space for her to say, hey, this is it's okay.
00:29:20:19 - 00:29:41:03
It's going to be okay. And I didn't get my daughter vaccinated either. So she then had issues within herself, like for her school friends. So a lot of her school friends were, but she I could see that what I had to do there fully was to to walk my path. And she would say that the path we were walking up was going to be okay.
00:29:41:05 - 00:29:45:22
Yeah, it was going to be okay. Yeah. Yeah.
00:29:45:22 - 00:29:53:19
So. Okay. So then how do you. What when did you read it? Was it I don't even what's the year. It's 2025.
00:29:53:20 - 00:29:55:12
I crazy I know.
00:29:55:12 - 00:30:13:14
She reached out to us. Was it 2020 maybe like middle in 2023. So can you take us to the point. Because you mentioned also there was a relationship breakdown and so yeah, like how you were feeling, what what prompted you to to reach out to us to get some help.
00:30:13:16 - 00:30:41:06
Okay. So, so, yeah. So once I got everything sorted in order, there were a few things that were happening within my, current relationship. And again, that tied back to, being told to do something when I. Yeah, there was just a lot of stuff that came in from, my past history. I could see patterns, and I was aware of these patterns now, and I'm like, you know what?
00:30:41:06 - 00:31:01:13
Okay, I've gone through a fair bit of stuff, and suddenly these patterns are coming back again. And I don't like where they're hitting. So, I had to well, I chose to end that relationship and that was fine. And then it was almost like my body. So a week after I made that decision, I was at home. It was Christmas again.
00:31:01:13 - 00:31:03:18
So it was almost 12 months to the day.
00:31:04:00 - 00:31:04:08
00:31:04:11 - 00:31:27:09
And I was at my mum and dad's place, getting ready to put the Christmas tree up. And, my sister in law was there with her little nieces and all my nieces and, and, I just had a panic attack. I thought I was having a heart attack. So this is about a week after I made that decision to to sort of end that relationship.
00:31:27:11 - 00:31:52:05
And I said to my mum, I don't feel well, and I've got this huge pain in my chest, down my, I couldn't breathe. My heart just was racing 100 miles an hour. And I seriously really thought I was having a heart attack. Wow. I've never experienced anything like it before. And I said to mom, I think you really need to call the ambulance because I don't feel well.
00:31:52:05 - 00:32:14:13
So the ambulance came, and then, of course, trauma raised itself again because that was one of my worst fears in that time. Previously, because, I'd heard of people not being treated at hospitals because they didn't have a certain vaccination. And I mean, these ambulance thinking, what's going to happen to me? Are they taking me to a hospital?
00:32:14:15 - 00:32:37:09
Am I going to have to have these seemed to be treated? Am I going to be not treated? Am I going to have a heart attack in the middle? But because that's the information that was around, that's what I was like to believe. So that added an extra level of trauma and stress to my body. Thank goodness I had the most amazing doctor at the hospital on the ambulance.
00:32:37:09 - 00:32:59:05
People were brilliant. They were there within five minutes. I as I said, I went straight into the hospital. I was treated with amazing care in a public hospital. And, I had the most amazing doctor who sat me through, and she did all these tests, and she just said, you know, I think I think it's a panic attack what's been going on for you?
00:32:59:05 - 00:33:11:01
And then that was it. I was just able to talk to this person. Yeah. But even then, fully, I still went. It's okay. I'll find a way. And I just.
00:33:11:02 - 00:33:13:12
Shoot back on Superwoman.
00:33:13:14 - 00:33:16:12
Put it back up again.
00:33:16:14 - 00:33:19:13
And this time, the body's like, no good will.
00:33:19:13 - 00:33:40:00
Almost, almost overdose. So then, two weeks after that, I was having dinner, lunch with another girlfriend, and I had another panic attack. I could feel it coming on. Then at the end of January, my uncle was diagnosed with a brain tumour. And I was with my mom and my dad and my aunty sitting at my aunt's house.
00:33:40:00 - 00:34:01:17
We just gone to visit him and I could feel another panic attack coming on. And this time my heart didn't stop racing for hours and hours and hours and I got home and I realised that that was the point. I just. I called my brother and I burst into tears and I was like, what if we lose my dad?
00:34:01:17 - 00:34:23:17
Because my dad had just sort of been diagnosed with, the early onset dementia and that was it. And I thought, that's another loss. There's another person I'm going to lose another. It was just so traumatic. And from that I couldn't come down feeling all the other things I could kind of calm down. I could I was I could breathe into them, I could settle them.
00:34:23:19 - 00:34:41:12
And it didn't. And that's when I was like, oh, I need some help. I don't know what's coming going on here. I'd actually read your book, and I had followed all of your stuff probably for about three months beforehand. So I knew you. I think I'd done it for free. You know, a few of your on line courses and stuff.
00:34:41:12 - 00:35:04:15
Yeah. So I just automatically thought I'm going to reach out. So, I mean, yeah, that that was the point where I just knew in my body, I something was very different because I couldn't I couldn't even look at that shield. Yeah. You know what? I'm done. I don't know what's going on, and I don't know how to do this anymore.
00:35:04:16 - 00:35:34:05
Yeah, this is for the listeners bit, and we've talked about this, when we were working together as well, that over time, like, distressing events, traumas, stressors. And that could be environmental stuff. It could be stresses happening in the body. But over time, it just like this pressure cooker builds up. And, you know, if the pressure cooker is small and it's not too intense, then you usually are able to pick up that shield again, continue moving forward.
00:35:34:05 - 00:35:56:03
Or, you know, you might have some strategies, techniques to bring you back to calm. But at some point, for a lot of people, that pressure cooker gets to a point where you just get stuck in this chronic state of fight or flight and and like physically, mentally, emotionally, it is really hard, if not impossible to self-regulate. And so essentially, that's what was happening in your body.
00:35:56:03 - 00:36:14:17
And you had a lot of, a lot of like psychosomatic type symptoms showing up, too. It wasn't just the anxiety or panic attacks, but, I think from memory that was like the fuzziness, fuzzy in the head, the eyes, the ringing, the ease, the dizziness. Yeah. Yeah. In this mind that wouldn't stop chattering to you.
00:36:14:19 - 00:36:31:12
And that's exactly what it was. So, yeah, it was that monkey mind that that. Yeah, it just wouldn't stop. And yeah, the fuzzy eyes and the vertigo came back. And so a lot of it was in my head essentially, like, that's where I felt it, like I didn't have pains in my body or anything, but I had it.
00:36:31:14 - 00:37:01:05
I got in my head. It was just just the overwhelm. Yeah. And I think I remember saying to you when I called you, I was like, I know what I have to do. And I know it's like my body wants to, but there was no connection between that. Like I just yeah, I know, I feel like, you know, the have you, this is where I need to go, but I just, I couldn't and I didn't understand that part.
00:37:01:05 - 00:37:09:15
And that was the first part where I was either like, well, that's new for me. I don't know, I don't know what that is and why why that's happening to me.
00:37:09:17 - 00:37:33:16
Yeah, yeah, yeah. So in our ending body burnout method, the first step generally with most clients is getting answers on what's happening at a physical level. First of all, so what's happening in the body systems? And that's where we run some lab tests and we look at things that go beyond what GP's medical specialist test for as well, which is really nice because a lot of the time now, yes, it was anxiety.
00:37:33:16 - 00:38:10:21
And the doctor that you spoke to was writing, you know, voicing that and like saying that this is this is what's going on. But even then that's, that's still not enough to really be like, okay, cool. But now what? Like how do I addresses? So we dug into some body systems, with you in order to like one look at the gut stuff, because that had been an ongoing thing since when you were a little girl, but also, was there anything else going on that was perpetuating, contributing to this anxiety in your not being able to self-regulate and bring yourself back into calm?
00:38:10:21 - 00:38:16:08
So do you remember what showed up on the lab test and how you felt when those markers came back?
00:38:16:10 - 00:38:37:17
Yeah, yeah. So, I think it was low serotonin and low cortisol or high cortisol and low, dopamine. So all of those beautiful hormones that regulate you and ground you and provide safety and joy and yeah.
00:38:37:19 - 00:38:40:03
We're just like, not happy.
00:38:40:05 - 00:39:08:07
Not that they would. And although that was the case, even just having that diagnosis feeling brought me relief because as I said, I had been through huge things in the past. I always managed to get myself together. I've always managed to find a way, and this way I just feel not. I physically couldn't even think of how that was even going to happen.
00:39:08:07 - 00:39:27:01
Or. And now I and I knew why. I knew that it wasn't just something that I could change a thought about, because I literally couldn't. Because that part of my brain was like, you know what? We're just worried about where we're focusing on getting up in the morning and running away from that Tyrannosaurus rex or whatever it is, it's up to you.
00:39:27:03 - 00:39:32:03
It's still there, and you don't need to worry about anything else. You just need to keep running. Yeah, and that's how I felt.
00:39:32:07 - 00:39:51:02
Yeah, yeah. And you know, it's not one or the other. It's not mind or the body. It's actually like, let's look at them together as a whole because you can't separate the two. You can't just work on thought patterns if there's real physiological imbalances. I mean, you can, but it makes it harder to heal. And then vice versa.
00:39:51:02 - 00:40:11:21
If you just took some supplements, but you're not working on the deeper, traumas and the deep of beliefs, it will get into an issue. Then at some point the you'll out stop the root cause. Just say that right. You'll out. You can't out solve the root cause. So yeah, it's like, let's look at you as a whole.
00:40:11:22 - 00:40:36:09
You also see there is methane overgrowth as well, which I thought was an interesting connection because you'd had this long term constipation presentation. So for those who are listening, there's bacteria in the gut that produces methane. And it actually slows down about bowel motion. So it is often it often does show up when there's been, long history of constipation.
00:40:36:11 - 00:40:55:17
And it's interesting you were saying before, it's like, oh, yeah, like it was all showing up here in my head and my gut. It's like the gut in the brain connected. There's this beautiful vagus nerve that connects both of them. So if there's an issue upstairs, it's going to be an issue downstairs and vice versa. Most of the time.
00:40:55:19 - 00:40:56:11
00:40:56:13 - 00:41:16:02
And I'd actually sorry to interrupt, really, but the second part of Yeah. So I took an interest in the vagus nerve and yeah, when I looked at that, I was like, oh yeah, okay. It all makes it all makes sense. Another piece of the puzzle just kind of, you know. Yeah, yeah. So yeah.
00:41:16:04 - 00:41:43:11
So along the journey started supporting those body systems. But then we also went deep into like what we call the deepest root cause. So why why have the body systems burnt out in the first place, even going beyond just looking at the stressors that you'd had along the way that you know, we could see. So really, it's like what was happening internally that had led to this point.
00:41:43:13 - 00:42:07:23
Are you happy to talk about this, like your work through spark? So spark is what we call our metaphysical side of healing. And the first journey really is to identify the deepest root cause beliefs that you have about yourself in an identity level, because essentially, these identity based beliefs are the machine that drives everything. So it's creating your thoughts, your feelings, your emotions.
00:42:07:23 - 00:42:17:15
It's how you perceive yourself and your existence in the world. Are you happy to talk a bit about your journey to get there and what that look like, how it felt?
00:42:17:17 - 00:43:00:04
Yeah, yeah. I think I looked at the exercise about four times. The really actually did it because I knew that once I went down that road, it was going to open a lot of can of worms for me. But I knew I was also ready, and I knew that the only way I was going to overcome what had been happening, and whatever story I had believed was to uncover that story, but I also knew that it was the safest place for me to do it in this group, because I knew that I was very supported, which was what helped me through.
00:43:00:06 - 00:43:06:11
So my story pretty much is that I believed I was unlovable. I was it was.
00:43:06:11 - 00:43:12:15
Quite shocking for you to you, wasn't it? Because it's like, yeah, I had, like, a lovely upbringing. My parents were lovely.
00:43:12:17 - 00:43:31:15
Yeah. I didn't feel unloved, as in a sense of I didn't wake up and go, I no one loves me, you know, what am I doing here? So it was a little bit of, What how how did I feel that way? Why did I feel that way? And being unlovable, I discovered as well, really, there's a lot of little.
00:43:31:15 - 00:43:55:12
It's like an umbrella. So there's lots of other little, little beliefs that kind of fit under that, which I, I sort of discovered it's sort of not just one thing, you know, maybe I've felt ugly, so I was unlovable. Therefore no one had love me. You know, I wasn't I didn't matter. So no one loved me, you know, and they had the little things that I broke down along.
00:43:55:12 - 00:44:16:20
You know, I worked out along the journey that there were just these, these little, little things that little sayings or stories or moments that happened in my life when that little person in me took what was being said and made a story out of it and believed that, so, yeah, happy to.
00:44:16:20 - 00:44:37:09
Share the ugly duckling story, because I think that that's like a real that's a real tangible, like it doesn't these things don't usually happen with the big stuff. It's usually the small things that as a little human being, your brain is like, who am I? What does that mean? What what just happened? What does that mean about me?
00:44:37:09 - 00:44:52:17
Like my egocentric. So we're making all these little stories and beliefs about ourselves, and I think your your ugly duckling story encapsulates that perfectly. It was a little thing, but for that little human, it was big. And it also was causing adult issues.
00:44:52:19 - 00:45:10:06
It was. It was so. Yeah. So my mum, God love it. The most amazing, beautiful mom. And I love her to bits. But I do remember at the time when I was little, I had obviously middle child and I had I.
00:45:10:06 - 00:45:13:18
Was I know you felt.
00:45:13:20 - 00:45:36:20
I had my sister who I love, you know, with everything was gorgeous, big, you know, long legs, dark hair, smart, funny, beautiful. And my brother was blonde and, you know, gorgeous and cheeky and and lovable. And I was red haired, freckled kid in the 1980s who would get bullied within an inch of a lot of people who had red hair pull.
00:45:36:22 - 00:45:37:21
He's. I mean.
00:45:38:02 - 00:45:39:00
Kids in Maine.
00:45:39:06 - 00:46:06:11
That's what I mean. Silly. And I remember I must have something must have happened. And I remember coming home each day and I was upset and my mum, was talking to me in, I suppose at that age, you know, I can't even tell you how old was maybe five. Six. So she decided to tell me the story of the ugly duckling with the intention that the ugly duckling grows into this beautiful, amazing swan and is gorgeous and finds her place in the world.
00:46:06:13 - 00:46:27:08
But I had this little girl who felt ugly. All I heard was that the little duckling was ugly and no one wanted him. So he went to the the geese and now I didn't belong there. And then he went to the chickens and he didn't belong there. And so he just walked along this little path with his head down, not being wanted.
00:46:27:10 - 00:46:32:10
And that's what I held on to. I didn't hear anything past that.
00:46:32:10 - 00:46:35:22
She transforms into a beautiful swan.
00:46:36:00 - 00:46:40:18
And she finds her people and and and all. Yeah. No.
00:46:40:20 - 00:46:43:11
It's just like I'm just the ugly duckling.
00:46:43:13 - 00:46:44:17
I just.
00:46:44:19 - 00:46:46:22
And nobody wants me.
00:46:47:00 - 00:47:08:07
I don't belong anyway. I was the middle child, I wasn't smart, I wasn't a boy because my brother was, you know, after two children, my mom and dad wanted a little boy. They got to where? Where did I fit into all of this? And I didn't realise that journey until I did all of these work fairly, and as I said at the time, I just felt like nobody.
00:47:08:07 - 00:47:09:22
That the bullies were bullying me.
00:47:10:03 - 00:47:11:23
00:47:12:01 - 00:47:13:13
And I wasn't sure what was up.
00:47:13:13 - 00:47:14:21
Oh, sorry. Keep going. Yeah.
00:47:14:23 - 00:47:21:06
No, I was just going to say. And I wasn't envious of my brother or my sister, you know, like, there's none of that, but I just. Yeah.
00:47:21:06 - 00:47:35:01
So it's internal dialogue. Can you share how you connected that to your present day as an adult, like with relationships, even these Covid times, the anxiety.
00:47:35:02 - 00:47:36:13
00:47:36:14 - 00:47:42:01
So how did how did that show up as a pattern? So the belief would show up as a pattern yet?
00:47:42:02 - 00:48:10:02
Well, I'm just can I break it down like I, I don't with as I said, like there's that umbrella of not feeling lovable. And I do remember that I think I conquered that, that belief of being ugly at a point in my divorce, in my marriage, like just before that, because, my ex-husband said something to me, that I will share with you because I think it's very poignant.
00:48:10:02 - 00:48:39:02
But he he, in one of his darkest moments, he said, if you can look at yourself in the mirror and like what you see, there's something very wrong with you. Well, and I knew in an instant, luckily, I had done the work that I was talking about that I'd done before, and it was like one of those sliding door moments where I thought I should believed that my whole life, my whole life, from whenever I heard that story that I was ugly and that I was no one.
00:48:39:02 - 00:49:10:09
And I you know that in an instant I knew that that belief wasn't true anymore. So I kind of from that day on, look at myself in the mirror and say, I11 beautiful. And that looks from us. Not in this time. Again it came up in feelings of, not being heard, not being spoken, you know, not being listened to, not being able to voice my concerns, not being able to share what I'm really feeling, not being able to share my emotions.
00:49:10:11 - 00:49:34:14
No one loves me enough to me to be able to express myself. And again, I grew up in an era where we, we didn't show our emotions, like in a family where if we were happy, that was great, but no one knew how to share those deep, stark emotions, the sadness, the joy, you know, sadness or resentment or fear or, guilt or shame.
00:49:34:14 - 00:49:54:03
And a lot of those emotions came up for me in this, in this journey. Yeah. Yeah. You know, and I had to follow suit. Yeah. And please, everybody. And I wasn't I was going against the world. And, that that's what was sitting in there. Yeah. Yeah.
00:49:54:05 - 00:50:15:05
And so if you had that deep core belief that. So that ugly one you'd recognise, you'd reprogramme that one, that one was good. But then the deeper one around, I don't matter. I'm invisible. Yeah, I can't I'm not talking unlovable. It's like, yeah, yeah. Then it makes sense that Covid and like, a relationship breakdown would make it feel very unsafe to be you and.
00:50:15:05 - 00:50:34:09
Yeah, yeah, I'm not a priority. I'm, I don't yeah, I'm not important. My story's not important. Everybody else's at the end. Yeah. So I just, felt like I was that ugly duckling again. Walking away around in the world where? No, where you didn't belong anyway. Yeah, yeah.
00:50:34:11 - 00:50:42:01
So thank you so much for sharing all of this. I know so many people would be like, oh, my gosh, she's speaking about me.
00:50:42:03 - 00:50:43:13
And so what did it.
00:50:43:13 - 00:50:57:03
Look like for you to be able to rewire reprogramme the place and get mind body connected again and returning back to self and building your building your safety net up within yourself, essentially.
00:50:57:05 - 00:51:22:12
Well, it was it was hard work, but it was so rewarding, so rewarding. And I knew that my body and my mind, we connected. And that's the thing I think I knew all along. And even though I, you know, there were days where, I mean, the canteen became my daughter's best friend, I was like, he's muddy to go and like it, you know, something that they kid because I physically couldn't go to the shops to prepare food for her like I used to feel.
00:51:22:16 - 00:51:57:01
And and so I knew that that's not what I wanted. And that's I was more than that. I just knew that. And I knew I had to do the work. And I also knew that there was also that little spark inside of me that was still something there that I had to believe in. And so I just trusted, first of all, you guys, I trusted the process that was in, you know, in the program because I had nothing else to do, like to trap everyone else, had abandoned me, had like me had I couldn't rely on.
00:51:57:01 - 00:52:17:11
I couldn't trust them. But this was this little safe place that I, I could just really open up, and I knew I had to do that. I knew I had to keep that sure that that sword and that shield down. Because as soon as I pick it up, I knew I'd find an excuse or I'd find, I'd talk myself out of something, or I.
00:52:17:11 - 00:52:39:02
I'd be okay. And that was the biggest thing for me. I knew that I had to be vulnerable within myself. I had to just yet trust something again, to build a trust with myself. And that was trusting the program. And, some days I did like it. Some days I didn't like it, but I did what I did, what was required of me.
00:52:39:04 - 00:52:54:01
Some days really? Well, some days I just do 1 or 2 little things, and that was it. And that was enough. And I knew I had to tell myself that whatever I was doing was enough, because it was more than yesterday. And that's. Yeah.
00:52:54:03 - 00:53:17:07
I think that. Yeah, I think that's such a good lesson as well, because if you're fighting against yourself, feeling like you haven't done enough or you haven't done a good enough job, whether it's like a rewiring practice or a journaling, question or, you know, whatever it is, then you're fighting against yourself. And so therefore you cannot heal that the moment that you like.
00:53:17:07 - 00:53:31:20
You know why I just give my self permission to do what I can and like, even if it's a tiny bit, it is enough. Yeah. And and you, you got results. I would say pretty quickly. I don't know if it felt quickly to you.
00:53:31:22 - 00:53:32:14
00:53:32:15 - 00:53:45:14
Oh it's say like by the end of the six month journey in the inside the ending body being out method. Can you share like where you're at at that point and how you were feeling and the changes that you've experienced in yourself?
00:53:45:16 - 00:54:06:14
Oh, I was a different person. Feeling the 21 day program in the metaphysical stuff was where everything shifted for me. Yeah. Because that is the stuff where you put into practice, like my anchor even now, my safety anchor, like said, because and that's the thing is. Well, feel like I still, all of that stuff doesn't just go away.
00:54:06:14 - 00:54:27:09
It's a part of me now, but I don't find it anymore. I just go, yeah, that's my journey. And it's those moments and those and that anxiety or that little bit of fear comes in. I just use my anchor. Yeah. And I trust that I'm going to be okay. And I. And that was from the 21 day, you know reset.
00:54:27:11 - 00:54:54:00
Yeah. The rewiring process and, and yeah. So that I think is when it's in me, I knew I was, I could tell things was shifting. I could really and I allowed my body to release emotions. I wasn't allowed to release emotions when I was younger because my dad, again love him to pieces. But he would, you know, his favourite saying was, I think, you know, if you keep crying, I'll give you something to cry about.
00:54:54:02 - 00:54:54:18
Yeah. Nice.
00:54:54:21 - 00:55:19:11
So that went too much. So for me, I was like, well, I'll be punished if I, if I feel sad. So I never allowed myself to really feel those deep emotions. So I had to I just had to go. You know what? You're not keeping these in any way. Releasing a way, letting it go. There were days where I would just cry for no reason at all and rather than say, oh, don't be silly, I'd be like, oh, good job, get it out.
00:55:19:15 - 00:55:40:17
You're crying. You've been cried for 25 years. You're crying. Let those tears flow. And even that was really hard to Reprogramme but I did it just a little bit at a time. Just a little, just tiny, tiny little baby steps. But just believing that I needed. I believed in something more than what I had.
00:55:40:18 - 00:55:56:10
And the nervous system will fight back if it's. If things happen too fast. So like that, those little tiny baby steps, it's like, you know, I feel a little bit of emotion today and tomorrow a little bit more. That's. I feel like that's the best way to move forward. If there's this big block where it's just like it's not safe.
00:55:56:10 - 00:56:21:11
To be different. Yeah. And I think so fully. For me, what I realised was I can going back to that mind and body connection that I know, like, oh, sometimes even now go for a walk and just tear up. I know, I know that it's my body just releasing stuff and it's okay. I don't have to have a sad thought to cry or I don't have to thinking myself into cry.
00:56:21:13 - 00:56:36:00
I just let my body do what it needs to do because it's just saying, hey, I just need to cry. Wow. Talking to me now, not my brain telling me that I have to be this certain person or that I'm just. Yeah. So that's, Yeah.
00:56:36:02 - 00:56:37:11
Yeah. So that's so.
00:56:37:11 - 00:56:38:14
00:56:38:16 - 00:56:47:13
And we went a bit deeper as well. So at the end of the six months you're like, oh, I think, I think there's still like a little bit, a little bit that kind of needs to like sniff enough.
00:56:47:15 - 00:56:48:06
00:56:48:08 - 00:57:18:14
So, so we decided to do that. TTP trauma therapy together, which is what some of our clients inside the program does, either like inside the ending body burn out method or after what what was what was the thing that made you feel like, oh, I need I think I need some deep healing here and and yeah. What was your experience in your results of two weeks of clearing some deep seeded and hidden trauma from the body?
00:57:18:16 - 00:57:46:01
Well, the top, I think I read about it in your book. So it was always something that I was curious about. And I quite like to delve into the different modalities and, and look for anything that's going to help me to be a better person or a better version of myself. So I read that, sort of earlier on in the piece that I just kind of put it at the back of my mind, and I didn't know how it would fit into my healing at that stage.
00:57:46:02 - 00:58:05:21
Yeah. And at that stage, I didn't want to just look for the easy road out. I knew that in order for me to really heal, I would have had to do the work. And I didn't know if that was just like another, you know, like, like an easy road. You know, I've got this journey and I can take the shortcut or the detour that's going to help me get to where I need to get to.
00:58:05:23 - 00:58:28:15
So I kept it in the back of my mind, thinking maybe, once I did all of the work and realised how far I had come, I just knew again that it was something that I. You were going to be able to help me tap into the things that I couldn't control because it was in my subconscious.
00:58:28:15 - 00:58:47:07
So so there was also there was these, you know, like carrying lifetimes of trauma, feeling like like this trauma in my body, in my body that comes from my grandmother and her life. Yeah. And so I just, I, I knew I wanted to kind of reach any part of that.
00:58:47:09 - 00:58:51:08
Yeah. Any other blindspots, any other shutters. Let's go in.
00:58:51:10 - 00:58:59:09
Yeah. The things that I couldn't see because I knew that they would still be there. Yeah. And if they weren't great, but if they were, I knew that they'd be addressed.
00:58:59:13 - 00:58:59:22
00:59:00:04 - 00:59:02:18
And it was interesting. Yeah. It was.
00:59:02:19 - 00:59:27:06
Yeah. It just it took you to look I, I never do TTP with someone until they've worked through stock or at least the first part of it, because I feel like there is some responsibility, pieces that need to happen and some deep digging into who you are and who you want to be. And I also know when someone's going to get great results with TTP because you've already had phenomenal transformation.
00:59:27:06 - 00:59:36:05
So I'm like, when you were like, oh, I think I might don't like J. You just go for another quantum leap. It's going to be awesome. You're going to get great results, I promise.
00:59:36:07 - 00:59:43:11
Yeah, yeah. And I did and it was amazing. Yeah. And so cool.
00:59:43:13 - 01:00:01:01
Okay. Two more questions. So what was what was different about our ending body burnout method? Because you like, along your story, you said you you tried a lot and you've done a lot of things. And like, things in the past had worked for you as well. What do you feel like was different weeds with our program?
01:00:01:03 - 01:00:22:13
I really think for me it was the safety. I really felt that you guys had my back. I it was a place at that time where I could be completely vulnerable and open and share my story with you, and there was no judgement whatsoever. Where prior to that, I was judged all the time or felt like I was.
01:00:22:13 - 01:00:41:22
So I could be honest and open. And just the information that you had was brilliant. Like I as I said, I'd listen to some of the podcasts before and I'd read your book and, I, I just knew that I felt that you knew your stuff and that you were going to be able to help me in all different areas of my life.
01:00:41:22 - 01:01:13:20
So it wasn't just fixing, you know, helping me to think positive, thought it was you were able to help me in those areas that, I didn't know how to help myself with. So I had to trust somebody else. And and for me, it was that that trust, and I did. I felt immediately safe, with you and Chris and the place that and you know, that you provide on that, that you know, with program and just even the one on one chats that we would have they were yeah, it was amazing.
01:01:13:23 - 01:01:17:10
It was amazing because I just felt that you always had my back, no matter what.
01:01:17:14 - 01:01:38:13
Yeah, yeah. Safety and trust I think, are hand in hand. You can't have safety when there's lack of trust. No. And also vice versa. Vice versa. Sorry. Yeah. Thank you. That's that's awesome. Okay. If, for those who have been listening, especially those who might be feeling stuck in a cycle of body burnout, maybe they've tried a bunch of stuff.
01:01:38:13 - 01:01:49:19
They might be losing hope that maybe this is just their loss in life. What are some words of wisdom you can share with them?
01:01:49:21 - 01:02:23:06
Probably just not to give up on yourself. You don't have to know what to do or how to do it, but just know that there's that little backing you. There's that little part of you, that knows that there's something more, and you don't have to know what that is. But if you're listening to these podcast or you know, you've read the book or you've seen that post on Facebook and it piqued your interest, then that's it's your body saying, hey, these give this a go.
01:02:23:06 - 01:02:42:01
This is going to help you or this there's more there. There is someone out there that's going to catch you when you fall. So yeah, just try give things a go, you know, just. Yeah, just you won't regret it. I didn't regret it. And,
01:02:42:03 - 01:02:43:18
I did, and I was, I love.
01:02:43:22 - 01:02:53:02
And and I was that person. I didn't need anybody else's health because I was, you know, going to go through the world on my own. Yeah, I could not. Yeah. I.
01:02:53:02 - 01:02:54:04
Know what's wrong with me.
01:02:54:08 - 01:02:55:02
I get, I.
01:02:55:02 - 01:02:57:05
Know it, I just why is my brain not.
01:02:57:05 - 01:03:17:11
Working? I just think about it, and that'll give my brain a bit of time to get back on. Yeah. Online. Yeah. So, yeah, just have to find that little bit of courage whether or not that's just what it is. The courage to try something new, the courage to be open and vulnerable, to share, to let people in.
01:03:17:13 - 01:03:31:14
And the courage to know that things, life changes and and to go with that flow. Like that's what I'm learning. And that was something, again, with the program, just learning to sit in that flow. Yeah. And when you there, it's beautiful.
01:03:31:16 - 01:03:50:22
Yeah. It is, it is so nice when you're in flow. That's so beautiful. I think there are some key things. Like one. Trust. Trust your gut. Trust your intuition. It's like if you're being pulled to something, then, you know, and I'm not just talking about our program. It could be anything in life where it's like, oh, this, this resonates and this feels good.
01:03:50:22 - 01:03:58:22
But then there will always be the other part that's like, no, it's not gonna work and it's too hard, or you don't have enough time or you don't have enough money.
01:03:59:00 - 01:03:59:06
01:03:59:08 - 01:04:16:08
Fit, like, you know, being able to recognise when you're being pulled and then courage. It's like courage to step into that. And then actually, I think the next step is kindness. It's like courage to take the step, that leap of faith, but then kindness that, like you do, deserve to be. Well.
01:04:16:10 - 01:04:29:10
Yeah. You can't do yourself. Absolutely. Like and that's that's probably what I did. Yeah. I speak to myself now like, you know, I just try. We did this today, you know.
01:04:29:11 - 01:04:32:01
Awesome I love you look great.
01:04:32:03 - 01:04:56:04
Later on we went for a walk. Today we cried. And how cool is that? Because we're releasing stuff and it's okay. There doesn't need to be anything bad or wrong. You just have created a space where I'm able to do that. And yeah, you know, I said, my body thinks me now for, you know. Yeah. So I feel like these brain and these little, you know, God of mine has got this really beautiful relationship.
01:04:56:05 - 01:05:02:00
And rather than fighting against each other, they they're happily skipping the longing like.
01:05:02:04 - 01:05:26:07
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Keeping you on track, keeping you in alignment. Hey, it's so beautiful. Thank you so much for so generously, vulnerably, openly. Sharing your story. We chatted before we pressed record as well. It's like, this is kind of like a full circle moment. If there was a period of time where I couldn't share my voice and actually now, now I can.
01:05:26:08 - 01:05:38:18
I love myself, I trust myself, I'm comforting myself. And it's also safe. Like it's safe to share your voice. So I'm so grateful. And I've just loved every minute of working with you as well.
01:05:38:20 - 01:05:44:21
Thank you Sally, I love to listen. Thank you for Ali. Thank you so much. Thank you.
01:05:44:21 - 01:05:55:08
And thank you, everybody for listening. Send Jerry some beautiful virtual love and kisses because she so deserves it.
01:05:55:09 - 01:06:00:09
Thank you.
01:06:00:11 - 01:06:10:13
Thank you so much for listening. We so appreciate you. If you'd like to give us extra smiles, drop us a review and spread the love by sharing this episode.
01:06:10:15 - 01:06:36:13
You can also write your own state of burnout and the root cause contributors by taking our Ending Body Burnout assessment on our website. And if you're interested in learning about that group or one on one ending Body burnout programs, shoot us a DM via Instagram or Facebook. Have the best day ever.
01:06:36:15 - 01:06:37:03