00:00:03:07 - 00:00:38:04
Hello and welcome to the ending Buddy Burnout show. We are your host, Chris and Filly, co-founders of a multi winning functional medicine practice serving busy people with energy, mood and gut issues. Well, business, addictive doing, people pleasing and perfectionism might be the norm. It's not normal and it's a major contributor to health issues. Our goal with this show is to give you a holistic root root cause approach to healing your body so that you don't have to continue doctor or diet hopping or popping a gazillion supplements hoping something might stick.
00:00:38:05 - 00:00:56:09
So get ready to heal your body. Get your spark back deeply, connect with yourself, and step into the life of your dreams. Let's dive in.
00:00:56:11 - 00:01:22:10
Hello! It is Filly here on the podcast. Today I am bringing you a bit of a different episode. Actually, today I am sharing with you a keynote presentation ID delivered at to be her Empire Builder Gold Coast Conference last year. In April last year, and this is a presentation that I delivered to a roomful of over 100 women entrepreneurs.
00:01:22:10 - 00:01:51:04
Now, there was a really specific question that I asked at the start of the presentation. I asked, have you experienced or are you in a state of burnout and almost every single hand shot up? Now, I don't think I have met a woman in business who hasn't been in burnout at some stage of her journey. And so if you are a woman in business or a business owner, regardless of your gender, I know you're going to get a lot out of today's episode.
00:01:51:05 - 00:02:15:09
It is all about if my presentation was all about how to build a business without burning out. Now, before you clock off, if you're not a business owner and you do want to listen to today's episode, I promise you'll get loads added this as well, because essentially, I'm going to take you through how to use your body as your compass to prevent burnout, especially if you're navigating a high workload.
00:02:15:11 - 00:02:40:12
That might be in your business. It might be in your job or career. It also might be in your parenting. Or maybe if you're a homeschool mom or you're caring for elderly parents, you're going to get a lot out of these out of this episode. So I actually talk I don't actually talk much about business strategy. Although I could do a whole bunch of episodes on that.
00:02:40:14 - 00:03:07:06
But today I'm really talking about how you can use your body as your compass to prevent burnout and navigate your workload and still achieve what you want to achieve. Get done what you want to get done. Be successful. Be big hearted and caring, but not at the expense of yourself and your body. So yeah, I'm really excited to share, this recording today.
00:03:07:06 - 00:03:32:22
I do get approval that I could pop it on the podcast from my business coach, Tina Tower, who run who ran the conference last year. And also around Tina Tower, if you're interested, because I know that a lot of people kind of watch our business journey as well. Whether you're a practitioner or another business owner, you might even be a client of ours or have been, and you run your own business.
00:03:32:22 - 00:03:55:17
And we get lots of people always asking things like, oh, how do you get on the media? And, how do you get 700 people registered to your free event? And how are you booked out so much? And how did you get that podcast, Sweet Jo written off Quirky Cooking. So we do get a lot of questions around how we run our business and our business model.
00:03:55:19 - 00:04:21:11
If you're interested in learning the secrets. Well, I mean, yeah, you can ask me, but I, Chris and I are currently part of Tina Towers, her Empire Builder business group, which we just love. We've been in this business group for the last 18 months. She is amazing. She is so smart. She has strategies galore in terms of how to run your business.
00:04:21:13 - 00:04:51:13
Plus also, chain is really has really worked on her own self as well in terms of how can I build a business without burning out. She's experienced burn out a lot. I'd really love to finish Coming Up podcast Tina, if you're listening, come on our podcast because you've got lots of gold to share. But yeah, she's she's managed to get to a point where she can honour her body, honour her health, and, yeah, continue to to serve and run her business.
00:04:51:13 - 00:05:22:19
And also her empire builder is just has such a beautiful, supportive, group of women and a few men and it's lovely. So not only has it supported us in running and growing a profitable business, but the community itself is also so beautiful and supportive in terms of raising each other up. So, her Empire Builder, the business group that we're part of, only opens doors two times a year, and they are actually opening to opening doors in March.
00:05:22:19 - 00:05:47:00
So if you want to check them out, I've popped the link in their show notes so you can head on over and check out her Empire Builder. And if it's something that you think would work for your business as well and join up, it's awesome. I'm happy for you to ask me any questions as well. All right, let's get into today's episode.
00:05:47:01 - 00:06:09:21
All right. I am so excited to be speaking to all you wonderful ladies. And for some of the males here, too, you can learn some things today. Okay. So I'm going to. All right. Let's start off with have you experienced burnout? Either you're feeling like you are now or you have in the past. Just pop your hand up like yep.
00:06:09:22 - 00:06:34:11
Oh almost everyone. Yes. Okay. So there's a bunch of stats that show that this is really prevalent in many people, including female entrepreneurs. 56% of female entrepreneurs said they had stress related burnout from a survey of 1000 women, 68% said they have burnout. And this one does my head in. Some of you may know, Lisa, cut off.
00:06:34:11 - 00:07:07:01
She actually did the foreword for my book. She surveyed 4330 women, and 98.2% of women don't ever feel fully rested. That's insane. And 56.8% write their energy five out of ten or below. So burnout is real. And that is what I want to talk about today. So I want to go over a few things today. So the first thing I would love to share with you is to how to avoid burnout.
00:07:07:01 - 00:07:33:06
While building your business. I'm not a business coach, so I'm going to talk about this from my expertise around how I've done it and also how we help people in our health practice. Also, I understand that your body is a compass, so it is the guiding force that will help you to avoid, prevent and heal from body burnout and also how to listen and communicate to your body.
00:07:33:08 - 00:07:58:06
I'll go past all of that because Tina Tao, it just said, actually, I'll stop on this one on a mission to end body burnout. So, Erica's talk today inspired me to be more unapologetically me. So I am done with Band-Aid approaches in the health care, and that also includes the natural medicine health care I find in functional medicine, which is in the natural therapies.
00:07:58:11 - 00:08:19:09
A lot of people are like, I feel sick, just give me a supplement. I'm going to feel better when you do a bunch of tests and give me some supplements or a diet, and that is not how you and body burn out. Because we aren't just a physical body, we're many different bodies, which I'll talk about today. Okay, so what is burnout?
00:08:19:09 - 00:08:45:04
Basically it is when you stress bucket gets two full and that can look different for different people. And stress can be come in so many forms. So as business owners we are building businesses. We're running businesses, we're managing staff, we're managing clients or customers. If you also have a family or kids, then you're juggling family and business and finances and and economic crisis and all that sort of stuff.
00:08:45:06 - 00:09:17:14
Stress also comes not just from like psychological or everyday stuff, but it's also physical. So it could be the food that you're eating, the beverages that you're drinking, the toxins in our skincare, cleaning products, the things that we're breathing into our bodies. So stress comes in so many forms. And that is also why burnout is a big issue, because there's so many ways in our modern society, especially when we're running businesses, that we can get stressed out and in our capacity, it cannot handle it anymore.
00:09:17:14 - 00:09:43:21
And then we end up getting sick. Also, people who run busy patterns, so busy patterns often look like overachieving, addictive doing perfectionism. People placing, if you feel comfortable, if you identify with any of these patterns either now or in the past. I was all over them, and I still do. You know, sometimes this is a non-judgemental slide.
00:09:43:21 - 00:10:12:20
Absolutely. And here's the thing. Like, I've had people who are like, oh, yeah, but, you know, I'm so ambitious. And does it mean that if I don't, if I have to heal from body part out, I can't have ambition anymore? No. So nothing's bad until it is. And your body is the best indicator as to whether any of these things are becoming a little bit dysfunctional or a lot dysfunctional.
00:10:12:22 - 00:10:32:05
Okay. Signs and symptoms. So early signs of body burnout or burnout might look like your energy starting to drop. Your creativity is sapping. Your brain isn't as sharp. You're irritable. You're not coping with stress like you used to. Your guts playing out. There might be mild sensitivities. It's like I used to always be able to eat dairy.
00:10:32:05 - 00:10:55:08
Now, when I have that milk, I'm running to the toilet. Skin breakouts, restless sleep, muscle twitching and body tension. Anyone feeling any of those? Yeah. Okay, so these are early signs and I love it when people start looking into their health when it's early signs, because it's a lot easier to rectify if things have been going on for quite a while, you've been burning the candle at both ends.
00:10:55:08 - 00:11:20:08
This is some more chronic symptoms that can show up, that can tell you that maybe some things need changing because that's chronic fatigue, brain fog, depression, anxiety, irritable bowel syndrome. It's super sensitive where like you can't walk down the cleaning aisle because it suddenly gives you a headache or the smells that you're smelling. More serious female hormone issues, insomnia, autoimmunity, stubborn way.
00:11:20:08 - 00:11:40:17
Or it's like I'm eating all the things and like I'm exercising, but nothing's shifting. Now, your body's clearly sending you a signal that you've bent the candle at both ends for a bit too long. And this is so we in our practice. And when I use the word way, I'm talking about me and my husband. So in our practice, we use the term body burnout.
00:11:40:17 - 00:12:02:09
So we look at the people who are probably more in the chronic stages of body burnout, because at this point, your body systems have also started burning out. I know that that's like little, itty bitty. I'm not going to talk about all of them, but basically you've got different parts in your body that are really important for healthy functioning.
00:12:02:10 - 00:12:22:22
And when you have been living a life where you're running around doing all the things, juggling all the things, a very high paced way of living, and especially if it's fee based. And I'll talk a bit more about that in a second. Then these body systems start burning out. Has anyone heard of adrenal fatigue? Yeah, most people have.
00:12:22:22 - 00:12:54:18
So that's your adrenals that secrete your stress hormone. So over time they start to the plate. Dopamine. Heard of that. Yeah. That's really important. Brain chemical. That's really important for motivation, excitement, energy. The cool thing is, so in our practice, we actually test and treat all these body systems. So this can be really helpful if you're really struggling and even to do the things that you know, you should be doing to be well or even the things to build a business.
00:12:54:18 - 00:13:21:21
So if you're like, I'm so exhausted, really anxious. Oh, my God's playing up all the time, we can actually look inside your body with lab testing. That goes beyond what GP's medical specialist test for and actually rebalance and support these body systems. Gut health is really important. So that gut brain connection is going to affect the way that you're thinking and feeling.
00:13:21:23 - 00:13:46:00
And also you leave is so important. It's not as trendy as the god. If anyone kind of like follows health Instagrams. So it's like gut health and the microbiome is so cool. But actually, I think that leave is pretty cool too, because it's clearing toxins and crap out of your body every second of the day. And if that starts burning out, then you start harbouring a bunch of toxins in your body, which is really inflammatory.
00:13:46:00 - 00:14:13:05
And then that can lead to different body burnout symptoms. If you want to do a little scan code there, I've created a body systems quiz that can actually identify well, and it's not as good as actually taking you away in free samples, but it can give you an indication as to whether some of your symptomology is coming from your, near endocrine system, your gut, or your detox pathways.
00:14:13:07 - 00:14:35:03
They've taken up. Okay. Your body is your compass. I was going for a walk the other day, like, literally two days ago. And I'm like, ooh, I'm going to change what I'm going to talk about today. He's slightly because I started thinking about how do you how can you avoid burnout while building a business. And I feel like your body is using the metaphor.
00:14:35:03 - 00:14:56:01
A compass is a wonderful way that you can tune in with yourself to know if today or this week or this season is kind of like a push season or a rest season or, often your body will also tell you when it's not safe to succeed. And a lot of what Erica talked about is in line with that.
00:14:56:01 - 00:15:23:02
Say your body is like, if you're doubting yourself, if you're, hitting a neurological growth pot of your business, your body will clearly send you some flat signals because it's not safe to move forward. Okay. So the body speaks to us. So I rattled off all those symptoms, how we respond to pain. Like, as humans, we've evolved to respond to pain.
00:15:23:02 - 00:15:45:06
When we feel pain, we do something about it. And so our body speaks to us through pain, but also speaks to us in many different ways. And this is really cool. So the body holds ancient wisdom. And I just want to pause there because that is so sacred and such a beautiful thing to tap into. And just to like, think about that.
00:15:45:06 - 00:16:10:01
Our bodies are thousands and thousands and thousands of years old, not as old as Mother Nature Earth, but our bodies and every cell in our body has the wisdom to help us to be safe and to survive, but also to thrive and grow in whatever we want to do in our life. But we've forgotten. We've forgotten how to listen to that.
00:16:10:03 - 00:16:33:22
Oh, wrong slide. What went ahead of myself? So we have inside of ourselves an amazing communication pathway when when you can learn to listen to yourself and how your body uniquely talks to you, then everything changes. Literally. You can press that. It's safe to say button, and you can do whatever you want to and create whatever you want in your life and in your business.
00:16:34:00 - 00:16:50:18
But we've forgotten. Sorry, we have forgotten this language. As I'm talking about this is some people are like, what is she talking about? You know, it's not like a common narrative that it's just like, listen to your body. It's like, no, the hustle culture is go, go, go, just push through. Are you a bit tired? Just have some caffeine.
00:16:50:18 - 00:17:20:00
Are you bit anxious at night? Have some wine. Just mask and medic to end, medicate and meditate. The emotions and the deep distress. It's happening inside of you. And so we push it all away. And, you know, we use Panadol in Nurofen to get rid of pain and whatever else it is. And we've forgotten how to listen to ourselves when if you think back, our body has ancient wisdom, it's amazing.
00:17:20:02 - 00:17:49:12
Okay, so when I talk about ending body burn out, a lot of people would initially like straight away think about the physical body. And I mentioned those, body systems because that is a really important part of helping your body to thrive and grow and function and perform. But we actually many bodies, so we aren't just a physical body, we're also a mental emotional body, an energetic body, a spiritual body, a nervous system, a brain, an unconscious mind.
00:17:49:14 - 00:18:14:18
And so in healthcare, I find a lot of the times it is only focusing on the physical side. If someone's now showing up with chronic fatigue, autoimmunity, a lot of people will just be like, well, it's physical. So here you go. Let's do some physical stuff to try and support that. But if you're not looking at the metaphysical side of things, then the healing, like it just doesn't happen.
00:18:14:19 - 00:18:45:04
I've seen this time and time again over the years of practising and in myself personally, that if only one or the other is addressed, it's very hard to get long term resolution. So you cannot separate the two. We are many bodies and they all must be in alignment with each other. Okay, so how do our bodies so if we're talking about body is our compass, how can we listen to our bodies.
00:18:45:06 - 00:19:10:13
These are the ways that our bodies talk to us. So through symptoms and sensations. So when you get a hot burn or when you get a headache that is literally your body and often your unconscious mind trying to send you a signal to do something different. Also emotions, thought bubble. So they're those random thoughts that are like, you know, pop up into your mind is like, oh, where did that come from?
00:19:10:18 - 00:19:32:09
That's often like gold pieces of information. Sometimes it might be a memory as well. Erica was talking about trauma, past distressing events, you know, things kind of constantly popping to your mind. It's stuff that's coming to the surface that needs to be dealt with. I dreams anyone have, like, reoccurring dreams? Sometimes they might be a bit disturbing or like you're walking naked down the street or something.
00:19:32:13 - 00:20:03:23
That is the way that your body also talks to us and your intuition. So that's kind of like the gut feeling type stuff. Okay, so I didn't get any of this when I was very not well. So I have experienced probably three major body burnout episodes. And each time I was just so, so sure that I was going to get to the root cause of what was going on.
00:20:04:01 - 00:20:20:23
So my first well, actually, before I even had my first body burn out, I was leaving 20 years of busy patterns. So this is I didn't I didn't tell which one. I am the one in the middle. So this is me in high school and in high school I started, getting great grades. I'm like A's. Oh, I didn't even try for that.
00:20:21:00 - 00:20:48:13
It's like, oh, this feels good. And all of a sudden, all this external validation from parents and teachers and even friends, I had very low self-confidence, always pretending I didn't even know who I was. I was just showing up, trying to be cool. But then I'm like, oh, but this is actually something I'm good at. I'm good at studying, and I'm good at writing essays and getting good grades and so this led to, like many, many years of, you know, I ended up doing a PhD, which I loved.
00:20:48:13 - 00:21:05:14
And I would say I was passionate about why I did it, but actually the underlying reason was because I was good at it. I'm like, I'm a good studier. I don't know how to be out in the world making money, so I'm just going to keep studying and I'm going to be an academic. And it was massive.
00:21:05:15 - 00:21:36:02
I was driven, to do that out of fear. Fear of self and fear of if I'm not good at that, then who am I? Like? No one's going to like me. No one's going to think I'm important. No good. And so anyway, even back then. So as a teenager, there were clear signs. Clear signs. I developed, vasovagal episodes where I would faint and faint and pee myself often in public places and wait until like, it's like, yeah, that just happened.
00:21:36:02 - 00:21:54:22
And a lot of people like what? That's crazy. But it was obvious that my nervous system even back then was like, well, you were like way being a perfectionist and like, really dysregulated and doing all the crazy things. So then I had, my first baby on the day I received my PhD report to say that I had passed.
00:21:55:00 - 00:22:13:20
And, what you can't see in this photo, there's a tube here. So I had a very traumatic birth with puppy, and I ended up with year. I couldn't I couldn't feel any sensation to urinate. So some women, after they have babies like that, just like flooding everywhere. It's like, I don't know when I need to go. And it's like coming out.
00:22:13:23 - 00:22:34:13
Jen would know about that. I was the opposite. I had no sensation that I needed to pee, so I had to wear an internal catheter up my way home for about four months to try and retrain my bladder to communicate to my brain. And I was on stacks of antibiotics in and out of hospital, and every month I just started developing more and more weird health issues.
00:22:34:13 - 00:22:57:05
So definitely like mental health stuff, postnatal depression, anxiety, but also chronic back pain to the point I couldn't pick up my baby. Really low immunity catching colds and fluids and infections every two weeks. Gut issues, hormone issues, histamine intolerance, chemical sensitivity until poppy turned one. And I'm like, I feel like an 80 year old. I cannot continue like this.
00:22:57:09 - 00:23:16:00
I hadn't really received any real help from my GP. They did the Bloods. They like all your blood to find. It's just part of being a new mom. And I'm like, I am bedridden some days this is not what it's like. And you supposed to get better. Sorry. That's where I took matters into my own hands. And I started looking at my lifestyle.
00:23:16:00 - 00:23:39:18
So, I switched what I was eating. I went from eating processed inflammatory foods to whole foods. Changed the way I was moving. I was actually an addictive exerciser because before kids, I could do a lot of pull ups and push ups, like, I was fit and I couldn't after I had my baby and again, I was like, attaching my achievement to my self-worth.
00:23:39:18 - 00:24:03:15
And so I kept thrashing and trying to push my body. And then I'm like, this is not working. So I had to pare back what I was doing, prioritise sleep, and also cleaned up my environment. So looking at things that I was my system had growing sensitivities to and removed those and things got better, like after, you know, months, two years later, I was feeling pretty good and I decided to have baby number two.
00:24:03:17 - 00:24:25:10
And this is a caesarian. That's Elsie. It's, like, probably not the nicest photo, but I had a caesarian because I still had unprocessed trauma from my first birth. And I was so freaked out that that would all happen again, that I chose to have a C-section. I don't know why I'm getting emotional. I've shared this story so many times.
00:24:25:12 - 00:24:47:12
And sorry. Yeah, the thing is, it was great. Like, like C-section all the way, no pain. And the recovery was way better. And Elsie was a exceptional sleeper. So one week after birth, busy patterns came back. I'm like, I feel so good. This is awesome. Like, yeah, I've just picked out a baby. Like, actually, I didn't pull it out.
00:24:47:12 - 00:25:13:12
They just cut it out of me. And but busy patterns started showing up and at this point was when I was starting to build my own business around lifestyle medicine. And I was also studying clinical nutrition back then to become a practitioner. And I just yeah, my perfectionism over doing high achieving patterns just sit right in and very shortly, like literally within a few weeks, all the same symptoms popped up again.
00:25:13:14 - 00:25:35:16
And I'm like, no, not again. I thought this was going to be so different this time. And so I went searching again. It's like, okay, well, in my lifestyle looks pretty good. What else, what else? And this is where I came across functional medicine, which goes beyond just looking at symptoms. And it's actually identifying body systems in your body using live testing.
00:25:35:18 - 00:25:58:09
And this time I'm like, yes, I found the root cause. This is so good. I had a train of fatigue and low dopamine and parasites and candida and detox issues like I literally had Eve. My vagina was out of whack. I had issues in every single square, and it probably took me maybe like, I don't know, 18 months to really therapeutically address all these issues.
00:25:58:11 - 00:26:19:21
And I felt great. I felt really good for quite a few years until number three, Covid. 2020 this is actually made. My mom, made me an immune boosting t when I caught Covid. The first time, she was so freaked out I was going to die. She's like a drop it off. And I was just like, yeah, put in your letter box.
00:26:19:23 - 00:26:37:03
So during this time, 2020. So I'd been running a business. Well, actually, I wouldn't even say it was a business. I was a soap, trader. I just really loved what I was doing. I wanted to help people, but I had no strategy. I didn't definitely didn't want to dream big because that was way too scary.
00:26:37:03 - 00:27:01:16
I was under charging, and I was also pretty burnt out. Not in the way that I'd experienced big symptoms, but I knew that I was just tired and it was taking me away from my little babies. Oh, that would be good by then. But body burnout number three happened in 2020, when my husband at the time had a gym, and his gym got lockdown and he's like, this is the best ever, holiday for three months.
00:27:01:16 - 00:27:20:19
And he was really burnt out himself. And we always kind of toyed with the idea of creating an online practice where he could come and join my, my business, and we'll actually make it a business. And he does mindset coaching and all that sort of stuff. And I'm like, yeah, that'll be great. I'll do the physical. You can like work on people's mindset, but it was the worst.
00:27:20:19 - 00:27:48:15
So he joined my business. He's big. If anyone's say my husband, he's like massive and big and loud and he came in and, he like freaking out and Covid like, I think everyone felt that collective uncertainty and Covid brought out my deepest root cause wounds, and that was my belief about myself. So like very, very hidden beliefs that I was awakening capable every call and every cell of my body.
00:27:48:17 - 00:28:06:19
And when I discovered that, I'm like, that doesn't make sense, because look at how good I am at doing things like, I'm really good at doing things and achieving, but my body just freaked out. And so it sent me all the same signals. I respond very well to pain, and this time I had major insomnia and so I was not sleeping.
00:28:06:19 - 00:28:28:06
Panic attacks, histamine and intolerance through the roof. Like, okay, tidy up my diet again. Let's run the lab tests. Let's do the supplements. Yep. It's it's going to work this time. And this time my body, like my symptoms, did not budge. My body was like, I love you, I love you. You have worked so hard to heal yourself and to be well.
00:28:28:08 - 00:29:00:07
But you've only addressed the physical body, not all the other stuff that's actually causing you to get sick in the first place. And I had a lot of business fees, so there were major money scarcity issues that I had. And Chris also was very big and visionary. And so he came and he's like, we going to do a course and we're not going to see people in person, and we're going to charge like three times more in my system was just like, it is not safe to do that at all.
00:29:00:09 - 00:29:19:10
And it all came back to these deeper wounds inside of me that I was awakening capable. That's like, well, if I if I believe I'm incapable, then how the heck can I grow a business? If I believe I'm weak, then who the heck would would pay that amount of money for what I do? If I'm incapable, how can I make money?
00:29:19:12 - 00:29:45:17
How do I even know how to spend it so that we don't go bankrupt? Like there is so much stuff surfacing during Covid time? And sorry. Then I looked deeper into my other bodies. So my mental emotional health, my nervous system, my neural pathways, and most importantly, my unconscious mind. Do you know how much your unconscious mind makes up your whole mind?
00:29:45:17 - 00:30:10:00
I know you guys would 95%, which is crazy. So the part of your mind that is listening to me right now is only 5% of your mind. The rest of it is all underneath the surface. And it's the thing that holds all your beliefs about yourself or your traumas and stuff from the past, the way that you were programmed as a kid and the patterns that you're playing out.
00:30:10:02 - 00:30:30:17
And I'm like, I have got to look at this area because I, I was just at my wits end to I'm like, this is something I haven't tried yet. This this feels like the next place. And so a big one for me was reprogramming those deep, unkind beliefs about myself. So wakening capable. And I did that in many ways, but also trauma.
00:30:30:17 - 00:30:53:03
So I discovered, well, I knew consciously, but I didn't realise it was having such a big impact in my business that when I was 14 years old, my, dad had a business, a flower farm, and we almost went bankrupt and we had to sell everything. And it was really sad. It was really, really distressing for me and my brothers and sisters because we grew up in this beautiful house.
00:30:53:03 - 00:31:13:10
I always thought we were rich, and it was a mansion in the country underneath a mountain, and it was just like ideally. And then all of a sudden we had to move to the highway to like an ugly house. And my dad killed my cats before we moved. So I had three cats that were my best friends, and he didn't tell me.
00:31:13:10 - 00:31:30:20
All of a sudden he's like, you cats are gone missing. Oh well, we are. We're moving now. And he did it. He's a lovely guy, by the way. I don't think he's ever killed an animal before. And I don't think he actually personally, physically did it. He organised someone else to do it. But anyway, it's it's what happened.
00:31:30:20 - 00:31:50:13
And a few months later, I found out that he'd killed my cats. So I felt quite a lot of betrayal. And I'm like, why did you not talk to me? But anyway, that memory has just, you know, had been sitting in my system for 30, 30 plus years, so maybe not that much 25 years. And I always thought back to that and always had a little laugh.
00:31:50:13 - 00:32:08:00
I'm like, that's a good story to tell. My cat cute. My cats when we almost went bankrupt. But I realised when I was really doing this data work, and when I realised that I had, I was blocking my ability to make money like it was me. It wasn't Chris because Chris was totally calm and cool and collected. He's like, it's all good, we'll make money.
00:32:08:02 - 00:32:31:11
I'm like, we haven't been able to pay our wage for like three months and it's like, it's all good. We just try some new things. But my whole system was freaking out. So I did some work around that and associated with the beliefs and patterns and literally within a few months, no change to business strategy. But we started magically making an extra ten, came up like it was insane.
00:32:31:11 - 00:32:49:07
I would call it magic if I didn't understand the science of what was going on, but I'm like, what? Where the heck is this coming from? And then all of a sudden I'm like, I'm not getting triggered by Chris's big ideas. I'm actually really excited about them now. I feel like in our relationship, I'm the one that is like throwing out wild things.
00:32:49:07 - 00:33:20:11
And he's like, oh, just hold your horses. And it helped with our relationship too, because two co-founders, husband and wife, is really tricky. And sorry, was back then when I was just getting triggered by everything he said, and also to showing up in sales conversations and with clients was just so lovely. Like it wasn't. There was no fear behind me having the conversations anymore because I knew I was good.
00:33:20:13 - 00:33:38:11
I'm like, I don't need your money or I don't even need I don't need you to join our program for me to feel good about myself. I know I am. And so they felt that energy to. And I think that that's why magically we started making an extra ten K. And over time, it's just built and built and built.
00:33:38:13 - 00:34:13:05
Okay, so just to some of that, to heal from body burnout, I believe there's, there's three key pieces. So dialling in lifestyle, looking at body systems, especially if you feel like you've got chronic issues, I think that that's really helpful and therapeutically supporting those areas to not guess and then do the deepest root cause work in your unconscious mind, because the thing with the unconscious mind is it's controlling everything, not just our thoughts, feelings and behaviours, but it's literally sending signals to our body systems to function at their best.
00:34:13:10 - 00:34:37:06
So if there's baggage down there, it's absolutely going to ripple over into your physical health. Another quiz I like quizzes. This is a scorecard that looks at those areas. So if you wanted to get an indication of like where where things might be a little bit and missed the The Weakest link, you can look at that one.
00:34:37:08 - 00:35:01:19
Okay. All right. So this is how to create I'm like, oh, how do I build a business without burning out these days? And I haven't put any strategy there. I mean, that so often is stuff that I implement and take action, but it's because of this that I can then do that. So I prioritise sleep, whole food and beach walks, love my beach walks in a podcast every day.
00:35:01:19 - 00:35:26:21
And by the way, this is like 80% of the time. I'm doing like all of these every day, most of the time reinforcing, empowering self-police like I am sleeping awesome, I am good, I am more than enough. I am strong, look at me go I visualise so your unconscious mind doesn't know what's happening in reality and what's happening in your imagination.
00:35:26:21 - 00:35:48:09
So when you can imagine the life and the business and the health that you want, your unconscious mind takes that on as a new memory and it's like, okay, cool, I'll go, go after that. That feels good. We've already got that, massive mantra for me, it's safe to be slow, and that doesn't necessarily mean I only do one work an hour of work a day.
00:35:48:11 - 00:36:12:01
It's literally my nervous system is slow, my nervous system is calm and grounded, and often that actually then speeds up what we're producing and creating in our business. But it feels good. It feels flowy. I don't need clients to make me feel good about myself. If no one else from this day onwards ever bought anything from me, I am still awesome.
00:36:12:03 - 00:36:40:10
I am a fantastic practitioner. I am a worthwhile human being and kind of cool. I just get a caravan and I travel around Australia for the next few years with my kids. Every day I'm listening to signals from my body and I take action and I'm going to take you through a process right now with something that I do daily or when I need to, that gives you the information that you need in order to leave your next best minute.
00:36:40:12 - 00:37:06:20
And I have a lovely DM with myself. It's deep and meaningful, like I just spent some time before I had this talk and just kind of like gave myself a little internal hug. He got this. It's awesome. Like I'm constantly talking to myself as if I'm my best friend because I am. I actually love me probably more than my children, but I actually like 100% say that with honesty, not just to get a little laugh.
00:37:06:22 - 00:37:31:09
And then that makes me a better mom. A better wife, better business owner. So beautiful. And that's why I said trust as well. When Erica is talking about that, because it's like that deep love and trust and connection with yourself, you are unstoppable. Okay, talk with your buddies. Matt, I need my phone back and some music. So I'm going to take you through.
00:37:31:10 - 00:37:42:22
This is just to step out of your conscious mind and into your unconscious. I'm going to take you through a process like you.
00:37:43:00 - 00:38:09:12
That will allow you to just tap into what might be happening for you, and also what your bodies need you to know. So before we start it, just think about a symptom. It might even be like a physical symptom, or even maybe like a not so nice emotional sensation in your body. So just pop your hand up if you have that something to work with.
00:38:09:14 - 00:38:31:18
If not, just close your eyes and just enjoy it. But if you have something tangible, it's really cool because I want to then get you to test that afterwards. And a lot of the times it's eradicated or at least reduced and it's like far out. You're frickin powerful. You did that. Like you shifted your state. Okay? So everyone close their eyes.
00:38:31:20 - 00:38:47:05
And just take some time to take some deep breaths and allow yourself to drop into a relaxed and receptive state. Just breathing in slowly.
00:38:47:07 - 00:39:23:10
And holding and breathing out slowly, slowly. And I'm going to take you through some problems. And whatever arises in your mind is perfect. And from the unconscious mind, even if it seems a bit irrational or not, logic. You say the unconscious mind communicates to us through symbols such as your physical symptoms, motions, tension in the body and these symptoms are also symbols with a deeper meaning.
00:39:23:12 - 00:39:32:19
So just trust that whatever pops into your head today is what your unconscious state needs you to know.
00:39:32:21 - 00:40:05:21
And with your eyes closed, allow an image or symbol that represents this symptom to appear is if it's outside and across from you. And let your unconscious mind do that. Now. And nod your head when you can see this representation outside of you. Okay, now observe the symptom, the representation at the symptom in detail. What does it look like?
00:40:05:23 - 00:40:39:12
Is it an object, a person, a place, a memory? What colour is it? What shape is it? Is it close to you or far away? Is it moving or still? Don't worry if this symbol doesn't make any sense. Your unconscious mind knows what it means. You don't have to try to analyse or censor anything. If you're struggling to visualise this symbol, steal into that symptom.
00:40:39:14 - 00:40:49:04
Feel the pain or discomfort in your body and allow an image of that to appear.
00:40:49:06 - 00:41:34:04
And are there any sounds attached to this image? If yes, notice what sounds there are and where they're coming from. And are there any important feelings attached to the image of your symptom? Is a symptom heavy or light? How intense is it? Is there pressure or heat, and are there any emotions attached to the symptom? And just sit with that for a moment and allow yourself to see and hear and feel this representation of your symptom, this deeper message from your unconscious mind.
00:41:34:06 - 00:42:09:17
And now allow it. A voice, the ability to communicate to you and ask it what it is attempting to communicate to you. What's it trying to say? Remember that any symptom or dysfunctional pattern that you have is serving you in some way. It always has a higher positive intention. Even if you don't want it or don't like it, it's still there with you because it's trying to help you in some way.
00:42:09:19 - 00:42:55:23
So what is this? Symptoms high as positive intention for you. Allow whatever pops into your mind to pop into your mind. And as the thoughts pop into your mind, ask yourself, what's the purpose of that? What the what can that give you? What does that allow you to have? What does it allow you to be at its highest now in terms of always trying to protect us or to push us to receive more love, happiness, freedom, success, to show up as our true and aligned selves.
00:42:56:01 - 00:43:15:03
And just ask the symptom if it realising that it is holding you back from keeping you from your highest positive intention with its old methods, does it realise it's draining you and taking the energy from you rather than empowering you?
00:43:15:05 - 00:43:44:09
Now let the representation of this symptom more for change into something new and notice what it looks like now. Just allow it to transform into some new, something new and empowering. And as you do, you place your hand on your heart and allow your chest to fill up with light and love and wholeness and let the light shine through you.
00:43:44:11 - 00:44:05:12
Let the light pour into every cell in your body, swallowing up any lingering symptoms in your body. And breathe in the feelings of calm and light and wholeness and healing. Just thank your body for talking to you today.
00:44:05:14 - 00:44:35:06
And now let your unconscious mind store the intentions and learnings from this old symptom, reminding yourself that the body and mind are connected and affect each other, and knowing that if these symptoms should return, you now know what it is communicating to you and you have more choices available to you. And when you're ready, you can open your eyes.
00:44:35:08 - 00:45:09:19
And how is that now? So anyone who had something specific they were working with at the start, has it changed? Yeah. It's gone. I know it's great, isn't it? It's just like oh, so it's literally like these signals are just trying to talk to you, almost like you're your best friend or your partner if you're not listening to them, if you can't at all, like if you're constantly shutting the door in their face, they're going to speak louder and louder and louder until something's going to pop up or blow up.
00:45:09:21 - 00:45:21:01
And so that's exactly the same is just symptoms. Does anyone want to share any of the like what actually happened inside their body?
00:45:21:03 - 00:45:54:04
Yeah. Do you want to. Oh, now that's the. So yes, I have a headache. I took like four Nurofen. I like seven this morning, I think, and these reflected back to what I learned last year and, recipe. So what I've just forgotten about, it's beyond me, but, Yeah. So it was all black, dark red, sharp, fast, like, groaning paint, like, just yet bad stuff.
00:45:54:06 - 00:46:20:23
And then when you shifted it, it was like blues, like pastel blues, pastel purples. It was like swirlies. It was a slow. It was all. It was just like all like hippie. It was lovely. And your headaches gone. Now it's gone. Yep. Yeah. Amazing. Yeah. And I was like, oh yeah. But now it's gone. So cool. You are more powerful then for your weapons.
00:46:21:01 - 00:46:30:13
That is so awesome. Anyone else have anything they want to share? Yeah.
00:46:30:15 - 00:46:51:09
I went to the gym this morning and I've had a little bit of, like, tense shoulder the back of my shoulder, and I could actually see a firecracker. Like, I felt like I could have a firecracker in the back of my shoulder. And while it's not 100% gone, it's definitely feels a lot more calm and considered and less like I'm gonna take full, in your opinion.
00:46:51:11 - 00:47:12:07
Awesome. I love that when if the symptom doesn't completely switch off, there's usually some action that needs to be taken and usually you get that when it's talking to you as well. The symptoms like, yeah, this is because of this and this is and this is now what you have to do. So if anything came to you from an action point of view, experiment like this stuff is entirely testable.
00:47:12:07 - 00:47:36:09
Test not guess, take action and it should disappear like it completely. Disappear is so cool. Okay, yeah, yeah. You. That's the. You can just because they're going around.
00:47:36:11 - 00:47:58:23
Okay. There's might be some nuances there, which I it would be cool to chat with you afterwards, but that is a great question because often we feel like there's stuff outside of our control. So I would look at is there anything you can control and you can always control your response to it and potentially too. Did you were you working on anything and has it gone.
00:47:59:00 - 00:48:25:04
Yeah. Okay. So it's still there. Okay. So there's still something there that it's like, hey, it's okay just to release this, like even to release control because control is an L, it's literally an illusion. We actually have no control over anything at all. But you can. Even though I said this, look at what you can control, but you can control your response to it without being attached to the response to it, if that makes sense.
00:48:25:09 - 00:48:36:03
Yeah. Okay. Awesome. Now I would like everyone to stand up and put both arms out like.
00:48:36:05 - 00:49:02:00
So you can put both arms out. And I want you to do this and just like, oh, I love you buddy. Thank you so much for doing such a good job. And then you can sit down. And now I'm done by, like, editing. I do have a book. I didn't bring any. Oh, actually I did, but I've got a book event in Brisbane which I need to save them for.
00:49:02:02 - 00:49:15:17
But if you wanted to learn more, we have our books on our website, Amazon, all those places. Thank you. I am stopping.
00:49:15:19 - 00:49:42:05
Thank you so much for listening. We so appreciate you. If you'd like to give us extra smiles, drop us a review and spread the love by sharing this episode. You can also write your own state of burnout and the root cause contributors by taking our Ending Body Burnout assessment on our website. And if you're interested in learning about our group one on one Ending buddy burnout programs, shoot us a DM via Instagram or Facebook.
00:49:42:07 - 00:49:51:19
Have the best day ever.
00:49:51:21 - 00:49:52:05