00:00:03:07 - 00:00:17:00
Hello and welcome to the Ending Body Burnout show. We are your host, Chris and Filly, co-founders of a multi winning functional medicine practice serving busy people with energy, mood and gut issues.
00:00:17:00 - 00:00:24:22
Well, business, addictive doing, people pleasing and perfectionism might be the norm. It's not normal and it's a major contributor to health issues.
00:00:25:01 - 00:00:38:05
Our goal with this show is to give you a holistic root root cause approach to healing your body so that you don't have to continue doctor or diet hopping or popping a gazillion supplements hoping something might stick.
00:00:38:06 - 00:00:46:08
So get ready to heal your body. Get your spark back deeply, connect with yourself, and step into the life of your dreams.
00:00:46:12 - 00:00:55:12
Let's dive in.
00:00:55:14 - 00:01:35:14
Hello and welcome to the podcast. It's Billy here from the Ending Body Burn Out show. Chris and I just had a really interesting conversation with Martin Pytela, who is a Canadian functional medicine practitioner. He specialises in metabolic typing. If you haven't heard of that before, we'll dive into all of it. But just as a recap, metabolic typing is based on your physiology or biology or genetics and how you respond to food and the world around you, and often there can be even like behavioural or thought pattern type traits or skill sets connected to these metabolic types, which is really interesting.
00:01:35:16 - 00:02:11:03
I'm in the years ago, when Chris had a gym, we, I personally like I was the nutritionist in the gym and I got into metabolic typing because people were asking for a meal plan and they wanted to lose weight, and the cookie cutter ones weren't working. So I started researching into the metabolism and metabolic typing. And it was really cool today to have a conversation with Martin, to be, yeah, to have like a refresher and to really dig a lot deeper into metabolic type.
00:02:11:03 - 00:02:36:05
So we do talk a lot about how you can identify your metabolic type, different diseases or conditions that are connected to the metabolic types when, when you're exposed to things that push your physiology, in a dysfunctional way. We also dig into foods that you can eat to support metabolic types and also touch on lifestyle, stress and trauma.
00:02:36:09 - 00:03:07:02
So I think you really love this conversation. Martin is a wealth of knowledge. He does work in the space of chronic health as we do. And when we start digging into, you know, things that are unhealthy, just, you know, listen to that. Obviously, we want to be educated with, what's good for us and things that we know can be harmful, but with just with awareness.
00:03:07:04 - 00:03:42:18
I don't think we need to go down rabbit holes of, like, it's too scary to live in the world because there's so many toxins around. We do dig into that, but I just thought I'd do a little pre frame that being aware awesome, having choices, awesome, but also being exposed to certain foods or certain toxins, if you so choose to, or if you don't choose to, but it's just there, when you're healthy and well and you deeply connected with yourself and intuitive and, you're balanced, your body so strong and capable and can move through things that might be toxic.
00:03:42:18 - 00:03:58:01
So I thought I'd just add that little, little disclaimer there as well. Okay, so let's dive into today's episode. And yeah, I think we're going to have a lot of fun with this one.
00:03:58:03 - 00:04:18:02
Welcome, everybody, to this episode of The Body Burnout Show we are glad to have on the show today. Martin Pytela, from all the way over in Canada, we're over here in Tassie, but. And I just had a chat about where abouts he is, and, and it's a beautiful part of the world over where you are.
00:04:18:02 - 00:04:21:04
Martin, I like it.
00:04:21:06 - 00:04:25:09
What's the what's the temperature at the moment? There in Celsius.
00:04:25:11 - 00:04:26:22
Plus two, I think.
00:04:27:04 - 00:04:28:15
Oh wow. That would be Fahrenheit.
00:04:28:15 - 00:04:29:11
Oh that's there.
00:04:29:11 - 00:04:32:21
Is, there is snow on the ground. No, this is not Fahrenheit. This is Celsius.
00:04:32:21 - 00:04:33:12
Oh, wow.
00:04:33:18 - 00:04:36:09
That's beautiful. That's right. That would be about 36.
00:04:36:09 - 00:04:37:16
Okay. Yeah, yeah.
00:04:37:17 - 00:04:42:17
Let's now we're talking. Yeah. That's why I like it. I like it a lot.
00:04:42:19 - 00:05:19:15
Awesome. So welcome. Thank you so much for coming on to our podcast. We, yeah, we love talking to people across the world, but also people who have similar values, thought patterns, maybe even practising similar things. So you're a functional medicine practitioner and with our guests, we always like to just dive straight into the personal stuff. So we find that a lot of people who have become practitioners or a therapist, coaches often have their own healing journey might be like a body burnout journey or some other type of healing journey.
00:05:19:17 - 00:05:27:16
What did that look like for you? Like what got you into what you now do around metabolic typing and functional medicine, which we'll get into a bit later?
00:05:27:18 - 00:05:54:11
Yeah. The timeline. It's it was 1977, 48 years ago. I stepped into a dentist's office freshly insured. And I said to him, I need a check-up. And they said, do you have a health insurance? And I proudly, like an idiot, said, I do. And then they said, well, you will need some fillings after X-rays and whatnot.
00:05:54:13 - 00:06:20:22
And, and they said, you have a choice. You can have the silver ones or the white ones. The white ones are extra. I said, is there any other difference? And they said, no. Wow. So I said, well, I don't care if they're silver. All right. Go silver. Wow. Well, the story is that it's called silver, a mercury amalgam that I ended up mercury being the most toxic things that you can put inside of a human body.
00:06:21:00 - 00:06:25:12
And 12 fillings later, I was on a dime.
00:06:25:12 - 00:06:26:13
That's a lot of feeling.
00:06:26:13 - 00:06:50:21
All of my viral infections. My back went out, my periodontal disease showed up, I got allergies, I was so ill with my back that I would crawl from my sofa, not sofa rocking chair face down on the footrest. My forehead rested so I could breathe from the gap. That's where I slept. And I would roll off and crawl and hold fast at the toilet.
00:06:50:21 - 00:07:17:13
Did my business crawl back? You know? Really? Lifestyle. Wow. Anyway, so that was the worst of it. But that was not every day. Like I would just have an episode that would last like three weeks or something like that. And then I would put myself back together and, and live, but yeah. And it took me about ten years of trying, and I tried every stupid thing.
00:07:17:13 - 00:07:43:00
I first went to the surgeon, orthopaedic surgeon, my, I had, I had plantar fasciitis. That's when I saw this surgeon. I had carpal tunnel syndrome. My back was out and so on. Anyway, I saw the surgeon. Then I discovered chiropractic. They helped a lot, but they would just put me back together. And then soon enough, I was out again.
00:07:43:02 - 00:08:09:08
Then I discovered naturopathy that was helping with the allergies, but not well. I remember talking to a doctor and he said, well, we have Sudafed. Then I said, full of hope. Will that heal me? And he said, no, you'll take that for the rest of your life. Wow. So I think about ten years and I had this moment with myself, the bottom, the rock bottom.
00:08:09:10 - 00:08:39:13
And, I decided that I was going to use my skills. I actually have education in business administration and computer science. I'm actually an analyst by trade. And so it was analysed this. So I did and I don't know what probably 2 or 3000 hours later, I was very clear about a Western medicine is completely hopeless because they do not practice anything useful.
00:08:39:15 - 00:08:56:20
They only mess around with symptoms. They never ask the basic question, what is the cause here? And the second thing was, I understood what caused it. It was the heavy metal poisoning.
00:08:56:22 - 00:09:04:04
Yeah. What had. Where, how did you get to that realisation? Like, was that with starting with lots of stuff.
00:09:04:06 - 00:09:29:11
Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, it leads, it leaves behind breadcrumbs. You'll find out eventually you'll figure it out. I do, you know early in I think it was like month 2 or 3, I had a hair analysis test up, and I remember it came back and I looked at it and I saw Mercury high.
00:09:29:11 - 00:09:37:19
Mercury. How did I get high Mercury. Did I eat a lot of fish? I don't think I did. Never connecting to amalgams.
00:09:38:00 - 00:09:39:02
It's crazy, isn't it?
00:09:39:03 - 00:09:43:12
Until. And then it was like being,
00:09:43:14 - 00:09:50:19
So what did it look like for you to heal from that? Did you get the fillings removed and detox? Oh.
00:09:50:21 - 00:10:18:02
Yeah. No, no, I did the detoxing. I did, I went into blue green algae and chlorella, and then I discovered zeolite clean up light. That was the major move that really made a big difference. And then amino acids to repair the damage. And by that time, I was really I was a health nut. By then, I was, you know, I don't know what all the stories would be.
00:10:18:04 - 00:10:48:03
We were experimenting with all raw diet and all vegetarian diet and all kinds of stuff. We did all kinds of try outs. In the end, some years later, I became, metabolic typing advisor, which is, you know, and you wouldn't call it the diploma. It's a certificate. That helps me know how genetics and, food intersect.
00:10:48:05 - 00:10:50:20
Yeah. That really made a big difference.
00:10:50:22 - 00:11:06:00
Awesome. Let's let's dive in there because metabolic typing is sort of like your speciality space. So for the listeners who might not have heard of that term or what it actually is, can you explain in a nutshell what metabolic typing actually is?
00:11:06:02 - 00:11:36:05
It's actually not well known. And I think it's, again, laziness in the therapeutic community. It's it tells you that biological individuality has the upper hand in how we react. In India, they had something called the dosis Bartok pictograph. Different reactions in Chinese medicine. They have the five elements. Again, they sort of people out on being dominant in this or that.
00:11:36:07 - 00:11:44:14
And even in the Western they have these dominance where you have the actor Ma Metamorph and I don't know what the third one is.
00:11:44:16 - 00:11:50:19
And, and a more and more exact move, minimal I think there's three, isn't there.
00:11:50:21 - 00:12:20:09
Yeah, there are three. Yeah. Well, in the metabolic typing, what you'll discover is two things. Your endocrine dominance, which is most related to the atomism and oakamoor. And I'll talk about that in a moment. It primarily drives their body shape how you'll gain weight, what foods you'll be tempted by. And and just the general fitness and what your proclivities will be like.
00:12:20:09 - 00:12:53:07
Will you be good at this or that. That's the endocrine dominance is. But the other one, the metabolic dominance. We have two types, an oxidiser dominant and an, autonomic dominant. And that's how we convert food into energy. And the oxidiser is alkalis by fats and proteins and acidified by starches. And the autonomic is the other way around, organised by carbs and acidified by fats and proteins.
00:12:53:09 - 00:13:14:11
And if you dive into the literature back when not your empathic and the likes most books are written for the autonomic. They will say proteins are acidic and, carrot juice is alkaline. Well, that holds true for the autonomic, but it's completely not true for the oxidiser dominant.
00:13:14:13 - 00:13:34:01
Which makes a lot of us. Sorry. I was just going to say which makes a lot of sense because there's a lot of diets out there. So keto for example would fit within one of those metabolic types. It's like so that's why some people who do keto get great results and they feel amazing. And then other people are like exhausted, sluggish.
00:13:34:01 - 00:13:36:12
It's essentially yeah, all explain.
00:13:36:14 - 00:14:09:06
Okay, let's let's illustrate. So the alkalinity starts with procrastination. More alkalinity gets you despondency laziness unwillingness to do. And really far in you will get into depression. Just dark dark depression. I'm not getting out of bed. I'm not getting out. So these people are fairly jovial, friendly, artsy, very nice to be around. But not great accomplishments.
00:14:09:07 - 00:14:39:00
They're more about being rather than doing. The acidic side, it starts with impatience. Wakes up early rather than late. Ready to go. Eyes wide open and running and if you get more acidic, you start being abrasive. The lack of social graces interrupting others, cutting in, cutting in traffic. Get ahead. Elbows. Just get out of my way.
00:14:39:00 - 00:15:08:11
I'll get it done myself. And then if you get it further out, you get rage. That's if it's if it's externally expressed, outward pushed. That's, Oh, road rage would be a perfect example of that. And if it's inward directed you end up with anxiety. You will process your future or your past if you processing your past, it's I should have not done this.
00:15:08:14 - 00:15:40:19
I shouldn't have done that. Just reliving and recreating, losing yourself for being stupid and this and that. And then if it's forward directed, then of course, you're just catastrophizing your future. Just, if this than that. Yeah. If I shouldn't go there because it may be dangerous. Just anxiety. And specific. So we have this autonomic nervous system, and it has two branches, the sympathetic parasympathetic.
00:15:40:21 - 00:16:04:18
And in the sympathetic you're in the fight or flight mode. In the parasympathetic you're in the rest repair and digest. And that means that you're alkaline. In the parasympathetic you're acidic in the sympathetic. Flexibility is great. Lack of flexibility leads to trouble.
00:16:04:20 - 00:16:08:06
Right. Yeah. Okay. So you want a balance of the two.
00:16:08:08 - 00:16:22:10
You want to be somewhere in the middle where you have the most choices, because if you're stuck in high acidity, all you are is just trembling with fear or, or raging at war at the world. I don't know, something of the of the sort.
00:16:22:12 - 00:16:44:12
And is this like, I'm just like, oh, this is interesting with the patterns. And if you're too alkaline or too acidic, what's happening at a physiological level? I like the way that you're describing that. I think about the poly vagal theory. And you can either be sympathetic and that's kind of like that anxious, more acidic type pattern.
00:16:44:16 - 00:16:46:22
Yeah. Oh, then I'll see. Okay.
00:16:47:00 - 00:16:55:17
Yeah. And then the alkaline. So if too alkaline like if it got two out of whack then it's depression and kind of shut down. Yeah.
00:16:55:19 - 00:17:21:16
So the numbers right on the on the scale itself to 7.0 is the midpoint. But for us humans the midpoint is really 7.35 or -25 millivolts on the volt scale, slightly alkaline. That's our midpoint. So if you if you push further out you'll end up in the overly alkaline, and you will have illnesses associated with that.
00:17:21:18 - 00:17:38:14
Like for example you can get leukaemia or lymphoma out in over alkaline. Whereas if you're over acidic you'll end up with tumours like breast cancer or colon cancer. The close tumours rather than the fluids.
00:17:38:16 - 00:17:56:23
Yeah. Okay. So I want to get into the food. But before we do that because people are probably like oh well how do I know if I'm too acidic or too alkaline or what type of metabolic type am I like. How can people or listeners determine where they're sitting?
00:17:57:01 - 00:18:24:15
Well, it becomes obvious about 40 to 60 minutes after you eat a meal which way it's took you. Like, for example, if you take some flax crackers with a bunch of bacon grease on top of it, you're giving yourself a fat push. If you, on the other hand, have three shots of whisky you're giving yourself, carbo push, you can do it with bananas.
00:18:24:15 - 00:18:51:16
You can do it with porridge. You can do that with just, I don't know, a potato bowl of rice. But if you put some grease on the bowl of rice, then you're now pushing in the opposite. Right? So we have rice and butter. Makes one of each. Doesn't push either way. So depEnding on which type you are you need to figure out what you need more of to stay balanced.
00:18:51:18 - 00:19:17:16
I think the best one would be to just go and watch cocktail party where alcohol and the carby snacks are served. Where all of a sudden you have the oxidisers are getting louder and then they start getting argumentative and then they get into each other's face and if they keep on going, they'll actually go physical.
00:19:17:16 - 00:19:21:03
They will get a punch out. Right.
00:19:21:05 - 00:19:21:20
00:19:21:22 - 00:19:42:03
The, the people that are autonomic, they will start with being very friendly, very jovial, just looser. And then, then they start oversharing, telling too much and then they start getting emotional about it, start crying and then they fall asleep.
00:19:42:05 - 00:20:08:12
Yeah. I'm just pulling up the picture of, demo of maximoff and demo of. Okay. So we actually, like, in the past we had a fitness business and a gym. And so I remember back in the day, I'm like, oh yeah, like metabolic type, and how can we eat to support our metabolic type? So I'm the I'm the middle person, I'm the mess, I'm off.
00:20:08:12 - 00:20:26:09
I'm which also means that I actually find that, I mean, if my macronutrients are balanced, I feel great. But also I can eat high protein, high fat, and I can also swing the other way too. And I generally feel pretty balanced if my nervous system is balanced.
00:20:26:11 - 00:20:49:05
Right. Okay. And so then we have some people who are more stable and some people who are less stable. So if you stand like a sumo wrestler, it will be hard to knock you out of balance. Whereas if you stand on one foot, eyes closed, it won't take much to push you over. Some people are really stable and it takes a lot.
00:20:49:07 - 00:21:18:02
They have a very wide range in which they operate. Others are further out in the margins and have much less wiggle room in one direction. Well, to say if you are a fast oxidiser, you're waking up quite acidic early in the morning and your tendency toward anxiety or towards impatience is high. So you need to now find a way to balance it.
00:21:18:04 - 00:21:36:00
If you take something that's fats and proteins like an omelette with this piece of sausage or something like that, you'll be fine. You just put yourself to the middle and nothing bad happens. If you open with a bowl of cereal, you'll be a raging. No. I was going to use the dragon.
00:21:36:00 - 00:21:37:18
00:21:37:19 - 00:22:10:22
Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Like that. Okay. But what I wanted to say when you. Once you started talking about the commercial. Whatever. The endocrine dominance is. In our language, thyroid, adrenal, pituitary and women have one speciality, and that's called ovarian and the thyroid dominance. I'm. I'm an example of that is, slender wrists, slender ankles. Like, you can see the ankles are skinny.
00:22:11:00 - 00:22:26:23
If they start putting weight on, it's on their belly and hips. If they're tempted by any one thing, it would be starchy. That's the classic thyroid type. All the Victoria's Secret models are the cigarette types.
00:22:27:05 - 00:22:28:20
They kind of like the tall.
00:22:28:20 - 00:22:31:14
Skinny lanky.
00:22:31:16 - 00:22:33:05
Leggy. Yeah.
00:22:33:07 - 00:23:09:06
Yeah. Know the adrenal type. Well maybe I'll finish one more thing. And their best diet has some protein with every meal. And the three meals should be about equal size. They should eat a breakfast, they should eat a lunch and a dinner. They should not be large and they should be well balanced. The adrenal type starts is built like a linebacker, like a rugby player, stocky, strong, with phenomenal stamina.
00:23:09:07 - 00:23:11:08
You know weightlifters.
00:23:11:10 - 00:23:12:02
Set you great.
00:23:12:03 - 00:23:13:11
00:23:13:13 - 00:23:14:09
00:23:14:11 - 00:23:19:20
Not not naturally. I'm more of an actor, so like kind of.
00:23:20:00 - 00:23:36:07
Exactly. I'm looking at you, Chris, and you're about a midpoint between, thyroid and adrenal. Yeah. Okay. But you're the strong type rather than the weak type. Like, look at me. I'm just, you know, I'm not nearly as strong. You know.
00:23:36:07 - 00:23:42:08
The Victoria's Secret model. You said what you said. Victoria's secret model.
00:23:42:10 - 00:23:47:15
I didn't make the cut. Martin. Martin makes it to the next call, and I'm like, thank you for coming.
00:23:47:21 - 00:23:54:08
Dance our Christmas coming. We will. We will use you for lifting all the heavy objects into the trucks.
00:23:54:10 - 00:23:57:01
You can carry the lights and the cameras.
00:23:57:03 - 00:23:58:01
You can help us.
00:23:58:04 - 00:24:25:16
Carry our baggage. But it's the weightlifters. Not. And when they start adding weight on, it's all over. Like deep chest, massive shoulders. Easy to put bulk on. Like, for me, putting muscle on is a lot of effort. It's not easy for its I rate to gain muscle mass. The more adrenal you are, the easier it is to walk out and okay.
00:24:25:20 - 00:24:45:15
The temptation foods are savoury, not not sweet, not starchy, and they're slimming. Diet is, low fat. So, a keto diet you mentioned is a weight gain diet for a adrenal. It's a weight loss diet for a thyroid.
00:24:45:17 - 00:24:49:10
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
00:24:49:15 - 00:25:05:11
Yeah. Okay. And the third one that's really reasonably popular is called pituitary. And those people are tempted by creamy things. Yoghurts with bean creams, some sweets. But they tend to be the intellectual of the.
00:25:05:13 - 00:25:11:08
Like smiling as you're saying that. So I think I'm a pituitary because I'm like chocolate. Yum yum yum.
00:25:11:10 - 00:25:12:16
00:25:12:18 - 00:25:15:18
Great chocolate. Oh, like you mean like cream.
00:25:15:20 - 00:25:18:23
I want you craving yoghurts. I want you.
00:25:18:23 - 00:25:31:10
Craving. I might love my is good. It's like cacao, coconut oil, pure maple syrup. A little dash of I want you craving mousse. Avocado mousse? Yep.
00:25:31:12 - 00:25:43:04
Okay. All right. So there's a good chance that you have a good chunk of that. Now, the body type, the head is larger than you would expect. Tend to be strong intellectually.
00:25:43:06 - 00:25:45:02
I am strong intellectually.
00:25:45:04 - 00:26:00:09
Tend to have fat distribution that's even like both legs and body and everything. Trunk. The fat is all over evenly and in extreme. If you start putting weight on, you start looking like a Cabbage Patch doll. Come.
00:26:00:11 - 00:26:01:22
That's that's it.
00:26:02:00 - 00:26:11:07
Yeah. I think I'm pretty sure. Terry, I don't think I've got a big head there. Maybe I do compared to the rest of my body.
00:26:11:09 - 00:26:17:19
Well, you know, by looking at the part of view that I see, I would have put you as a thyroid.
00:26:17:21 - 00:26:18:22
Oh, yeah. Right. Okay.
00:26:18:23 - 00:26:20:21
But but I rate pituitary.
00:26:20:23 - 00:26:24:16
Yeah. I think I'm a mix of both of those because I'm not a classic.
00:26:24:19 - 00:26:30:04
Never even. Right. Like it's. Yeah, it's a, it's a Venn diagram. Right. Yeah. Like you.
00:26:30:04 - 00:26:30:14
00:26:30:16 - 00:26:48:02
Push into whatever. You're somewhere on the, on the scale. Anyway the health food for a pituitary are organ meats. The more pure in the better. So tongue heart kidney liver.
00:26:48:04 - 00:26:48:16
Brain the.
00:26:48:18 - 00:27:00:06
Health. Right. So if ever you want to go skinny you would want to push that over, over that creamy and curvy things.
00:27:00:07 - 00:27:05:07
Why are you looking at me crease. Cuz it's just like you try to like, see my response around the organ, mate?
00:27:05:07 - 00:27:28:13
I'm, I'm. I'm just I'm examine. I'm I'm seeing into it because I yeah, I see, I see you're more of, miso endo morphic and I'm more of like the, the ecto miso. Yeah. Yeah. So I, I don't think either I fit, like, all in that van. Like you were talking about Martin. But but we we.
00:27:28:14 - 00:27:29:02
Yeah. Well, the.
00:27:29:02 - 00:27:42:15
Two of you would do, well eating salads and, Yeah, Chris would eat it with a piece of fish or chicken and, and Filly would probably have a steak.
00:27:42:20 - 00:27:45:04
A steak with a little bit of kidney.
00:27:45:06 - 00:27:53:14
That really resonates because I think if I eat steak, it I can't stick to that for for a long time. Yeah, it's too rich.
00:27:53:14 - 00:28:24:06
It's too rich for a for a thyroid. Yeah. Yeah. For the it's too rich for the thyroid. So the adrenal is can handle coffee. No problem. Thyroid cannot stimulation is to the, you know you can handle chocolate but you cannot handle coffee straight whereas the adrenal no big deal. Yeah. Two cups in the morning. Also the adrenal likes to eat no breakfast small lunch or big dinner.
00:28:24:08 - 00:28:30:07
The pituitary is the other way. Big breakfast, middle lunch. No dinner.
00:28:30:09 - 00:28:41:04
That resonates. I feel good with a, get a little bit of my day up and running and then. And then have a, like, a light, light breakfast. Yeah, yeah.
00:28:41:04 - 00:28:49:00
Don't eat for a while. For a long while. Really. Right. Yeah. The more adrenal you are the less you feel like eating in the first half of the day.
00:28:49:01 - 00:28:55:23
And what about the one. Sorry. Did you say what in terms in meal timing for thyroid.
00:28:56:01 - 00:28:57:18
I didn't understand that.
00:28:57:20 - 00:29:00:13
Meal timings for thyroid, so.
00:29:00:15 - 00:29:01:14
Oh. The thyroid types.
00:29:01:14 - 00:29:05:05
Yeah. Is that like a big breakfast or first lunch?
00:29:05:05 - 00:29:06:13
Dinner? Equal size.
00:29:06:13 - 00:29:07:00
00:29:07:00 - 00:29:08:04
00:29:08:06 - 00:29:28:01
Yeah. Because that's definitely like, I, I'm very I just like so rhythmic with the amount of food I eat. And when I eat like within the 30 minute mark, I will be eating not every 30 minutes. It's kind of like if it's out of a 30 minute window, it's like, I need some food, but also like it's quiet.
00:29:28:03 - 00:29:29:05
In terms of the amount.
00:29:29:06 - 00:30:03:01
Okay. So to explain, right. The thyroid gland is more the twitchy muscle, the short term that the, the sprinter the quicker one. Whereas the, the adrenal is more the, I don't know, push hard long, long runs, long sprints. The pituitary on the other hand is the long distance runner. The ultimate of hunters like the the pygmies of Africa are mostly pituitary.
00:30:03:03 - 00:30:07:12
Right. They need a little but they are pituitary dominant.
00:30:07:14 - 00:30:09:08
Yeah. Right.
00:30:09:10 - 00:30:36:14
Yeah. So so there we have it. So we have preferences and we have some ways that we will gain weight and lose weight. And when we know which we are then we can actually not hesitate about what is going to happen with us based on that. So let's just say that I'm, oh, a 37 year old mother of two, and I still have that belly fat on my tummy.
00:30:36:16 - 00:30:43:18
Well, the only quick way to do that as a thyroid type is to go keto. To lose.
00:30:43:18 - 00:30:45:05
The fat belly.
00:30:45:07 - 00:30:52:11
Right. Yeah. Yeah. And drink raspberry leaf tea. Red raspberry leaf.
00:30:52:13 - 00:30:55:04
Why is that. What's the therapeutic effect with that.
00:30:55:06 - 00:31:15:20
It's it's got the hormonal kick that helps to clear it. Yeah. Yeah I mean it's too much cortisol right. Like if you really want a crutch we make this awesome tincture called cortisol is you start taking that and the fat goes away. That's because it's too much cortisol. That's not being burnt off. Yeah.
00:31:15:22 - 00:31:42:00
Yeah. Yeah. What about actually I know I asked this question earlier but just in my head I'm just like trying to like processes, so, so someone can work out their minute bullet type both on their body shape. In the way that you explain that. And that's sort of like how I determine that in the past.
00:31:42:02 - 00:31:52:02
But then in terms of food. So because you mentioned earlier, you can challenge to see to identify a metabolic type based on foods as well.
00:31:52:02 - 00:32:26:16
So let's talk about the genetic lottery. Because here now we have the endocrine dominance which dictates how we gain weight, lose weight, how we desire food on desire food. And we have the how we alkalis and acidify. Those are the two opposing vectors. So for example, myself, I am a sympathetic dominant autonomic meaning I wake up early, I'm fairly acidic, I tend to be quick, but I tend to be argumentative and contrarian and, and so I need to moderate that with carbs.
00:32:26:18 - 00:32:54:08
However, carbs are my game food, so I need to find the middle of pleasant but not gaining weight. I need to find the middle. So I didn't win it right. Like you have a fast oxidiser thyroid. I will eat endless amount of high fat steak stuff, never gain an ounce and be happy.
00:32:54:10 - 00:32:55:16
00:32:55:18 - 00:33:15:23
If you, if you end up with a parasympathetic alcoholic they will drink themselves to depression and death. Suicide. Yeah. Well yeah. All right. The slow oxidiser needs carb things to break out of their laziness. Strange. Right. So you know.
00:33:16:01 - 00:33:16:22
For their fascinating.
00:33:16:23 - 00:33:29:15
Grapefruits to start their day and a carrot juice to keep them going and, and the salad for lunch will have a fair amount of rice and a piece of meat to it. Stuff like that.
00:33:29:21 - 00:33:30:03
00:33:30:03 - 00:33:57:19
Okay. Like you need to find ways to do it. And then of course then we have all the genetic stuff that happens. What, what should we say about that. Some of us are okay with oxalates. Some of us are not. Some of some are okay with Salicylates, some are not. So the more broken your gut is, the more stuff you will be allergic to or intolerant off.
00:33:57:21 - 00:34:13:22
If your blood type O probably don't use dairy and grains, that just not your thing. Yeah. Blood type B probably leave pork alone and maybe shrimp as well.
00:34:14:00 - 00:34:38:22
So my my thought is like there's so many different interplays of what's going on for the person. And also things can I have seen like or experienced personally. For me things can shift and change the healthier your body's functioning as well. I'm imagining there might be some listeners who are like, oh my gosh, I have to think about my blood type and like my and like, am I missing more for my liking visually?
00:34:39:00 - 00:34:45:00
There's so many things like, how do I practically learn to eat in a way that's going to support myself easily?
00:34:45:02 - 00:34:48:09
Oh really? It's so easy. Experiment. Well, that's.
00:34:48:09 - 00:34:49:14
What. Yeah.
00:34:49:16 - 00:34:51:20
Wait. Stop it and do the opposite.
00:34:51:23 - 00:35:15:00
Yeah. So really, it's like it's starting with a guide. Understanding your metabolic type, your biology. These are general recommendations of what might support this type of person or this type of physiology. Now your job is to become connected with your body and your cues and and learn to eat in a way that's actually going to serve you in this season in your life.
00:35:15:02 - 00:35:34:15
Yeah, right. Let me start with the five never, never eat refined flour, refined sugar, refined salt, refined plant seed oils and pasteurised cow dairy. Maybe homogenised co dairy. Those are just don't touch it.
00:35:34:17 - 00:35:39:23
I do sometimes and it's okay. It's a sometimes.
00:35:40:01 - 00:35:52:10
Yeah. You're going to. Go out and have a mascarpone and a tiramisu whatever the heck you want. Do it.
00:35:52:12 - 00:36:15:22
And then and then lovingly say how you feel. Like honestly though, I, I feel like the more balanced my body is, I can actually have those sometimes like those never foods occasionally. Sometimes. And if the environment is right, totally fine. Like, you know, maybe if I wanted to get really analytical, I'm like you. Yeah, I'm probably like a little bit tiny, bit inflamed.
00:36:16:00 - 00:36:21:23
But, you know, if I was eating that every day, I would be back in body burn out for sure.
00:36:22:01 - 00:36:51:02
I'll tell you this. I lost my oral tolerance for weight when I was 55. So you have ways to go 40. Yeah, well, that's ways to go at 40, I enjoy pizza. No worries. Especially North American wheat is horrendous because it has been, selectively bred to be higher protein content. That's gluten. That's worse. And and these days they grow it with glyphosate.
00:36:51:02 - 00:37:18:11
Roundup. That's a horrible thing that breaks the microbiome in your gut. I think the weaker microbiome, the likelier the chance of you being dysregulated and unwell and inflamed because if you drink chlorinated water the chlorine is there to kill microbes well before it reaches you. You're killing the bad microbes. But when it reaches your gut it kills everything.
00:37:18:13 - 00:37:50:03
Good ones, bad ones. All of it. That's a bad idea. I do not drink chlorinated water. And do not eat food that has been raised with the help of glyphosate in America. That's definitely wheat, corn, lentils and chickpeas. You have to go organic or forget about it. Yeah. If you live in Italy you can eat all the pasta you want because they're growing it without the help of all these crazy things.
00:37:50:05 - 00:37:50:23
00:37:51:01 - 00:38:13:15
Yeah. I'm just playing a little bit of devil's advocate I totally like agree. And no and yeah I'm on board with that. The reason why I'm just like you know what. Like if your body's healthy and well and you're in tune with yourself, you don't have to be fearful of being in the world, like, have knowledge and know that we know that, like, our weight has been, you know, genetically modified and round off and toxic stuff.
00:38:13:15 - 00:38:21:07
But you know what? If you're at a social event, you want to pace pizza. Your body's strong.
00:38:21:09 - 00:38:23:01
Well, if it is.
00:38:23:03 - 00:38:25:18
And then yeah, yeah. Like, if you're balanced and well.
00:38:25:19 - 00:38:44:16
Yeah. And then there you see in my practice they call me when they're broken I deal with the broken ones. And so that's where my perspective. That's my filter. I'm just saying do the right thing most of the time rather than some of the time.
00:38:44:18 - 00:38:55:23
Yeah. What about lifestyle factors. So things like slate movement not to be gun stress.
00:38:56:00 - 00:39:22:09
My, my, you know, my mnemonic aids which is toxicity malnutrition stagnation and trauma. All of which are toxicity is industrial age stuff. That's in your environment in your body that should not be there. It's blocking normal expression of your homeostatic system. So toxins have to come out and not come in malnutrition. We talked about that quite a bit.
00:39:22:14 - 00:39:54:20
But it's nutrient rich calorie poor foods. The opposite of pizza. And then three stagnation. That's probably your happy note. Where we are supposed to exercise ourselves to the point of panting twice a day, like we need to be gasping for breath at least twice a day. So if you do it in interval training probably a good thing right.
00:39:54:21 - 00:40:01:18
It's it's real training is great for the thyroid types. That's great for everyone. Really.
00:40:01:20 - 00:40:13:00
Yeah. What about movement in the the endocrinology the into endocrine torts. Like is there different types of movement that one's medical would respond better to.
00:40:13:01 - 00:40:43:15
Well the thyroid makes a sprinter a volleyball player and a basketball player. The adrenal makes a rugby player makes a weightlifter. The strong disciplines all the Scottish Highland games. That's all adrenal types. And then the pituitary are endurance events. So they would be the long distance runner. They would be just lasting longer than anyone.
00:40:43:17 - 00:40:46:02
Yeah. So that's that's the sports side.
00:40:46:04 - 00:40:50:00
Yeah. So that's kind of like maybe naturally what they might be.
00:40:50:02 - 00:40:51:17
Better at or.
00:40:51:19 - 00:40:52:23
Better at.
00:40:53:00 - 00:41:29:09
30 minutes of walking and your constipation is gone. Right. And that's probably somewhere near the 7 to 12,000 steps a day. That's the right number for for maintaining the lymphatic pump going. Remember there's no pump. There's only gravity. So as you move the body up and down against gravity the fluids are travelling upward. And just here under your clavicles is where you have the waterfall so to speak, where the, lymphatic connects into the bloodstream.
00:41:29:11 - 00:42:03:12
Once it's in the bloodstream, it's transported to the liver and the kidney infiltration. But until then it's just travelling up through the lymphatic system, through the nodes. And it's waiting in the lymph nodes for the immune system to interact with it and trying to kill off the things that shouldn't be there and stuff like that. And then, of course, if you want, you should be pumping as in, like pumping these vessels, you know, over here, just pushing them, in the groynes.
00:42:03:12 - 00:42:09:03
I can't show that on camera easily, but yeah, just move those things neck.
00:42:09:05 - 00:42:12:02
Yeah. Knees behind knees. Yeah.
00:42:12:04 - 00:42:26:05
Yeah. Behind the knees. Yeah. That's important. And so skin brushing dry skin brushing. Or lymphatic massage. Those are awesome things that everyone should consider.
00:42:26:07 - 00:42:37:05
There is a connection there too. So if your lymphatic system is clogged up not working very well but is more acidic. Is that correct or what do you see. Or it could go on.
00:42:37:06 - 00:43:00:11
I, it could be either way you could be stagnant. Stagnation is a bad idea because of course now you're swampy. If you're stagnant, your feet are going to stink and your crotch is going to be smelly because you are now rotting while standing or sitting. You.
00:43:00:13 - 00:43:06:04
Yeah. So dogs will love you. Dogs love you.
00:43:06:06 - 00:43:14:14
Next time a stinky change your major is. I'm like, you're rotting inside. Go out a shower, actually. And while you're there, do some lymphatic movement.
00:43:14:16 - 00:43:19:15
Have have some exotic movement and do a whole bunch of things in your sauna.
00:43:19:17 - 00:43:20:02
00:43:20:04 - 00:43:22:18
Or so. Yeah.
00:43:22:20 - 00:43:28:12
Yeah. Just go to sauna for Christmas. So good. Right? Yeah.
00:43:28:14 - 00:43:38:17
Well, I mean, a lot of people who experience chronic pain, joint pain and swelling stuff, they get a sauna and, 20 sessions later, they say, oh, my gosh, I can move. I hurt not.
00:43:38:23 - 00:44:02:00
Yeah, yeah. So green, so good for so many different things. Question around. So a lot of our listeners Ending body burn out. Sorry. So a lot of people, who may be listening may be running. These burn out patterns that show off is busyness, overdoing perfectionism and people placing stress overwhelm. Which then, if it's going long enough, drop down into that functional phrase.
00:44:02:00 - 00:44:12:09
So how how do you see a connection with that in terms of how it might push someone's physiology in the scope of metabolic typing?
00:44:12:11 - 00:44:40:15
Yeah. Right. Well okay. So the HPA axis that's hypothalamus pituitary adrenals and also HPA it from the pituitary to the thyroid. It drives the outcomes to hormonal levels. How you cope. There's steroidal hormones. Are they regulated dysregulated. Are you too much oestrogen. Not enough progesterone. As a woman are you lacking testosterone as a woman? As a man. Which which way is it?
00:44:40:15 - 00:45:08:06
Right. Is there too much plastic in your world? And are you over oestrogen izing yourself? Is there too much whole seeds? For example, whole seeds. If you make almond milk, rice milk, oat milk, those kind of things, they are made from whole seed and the seed until sprouted or until at least soaked has this phyto oestrogenic protection on it.
00:45:08:06 - 00:45:44:18
So when you drink those concentrates, you're pushing phyto oestrogen in your body. So for men, you will be putting on weight and growing breasts and losing your testicles. For women, you'll be less peaceful and prone to acne and liver issues right? So you may need to undo the plastics and undo the seeds and the, I don't know, that's it's it's getting somewhat into the details, but perhaps it's relevant.
00:45:44:20 - 00:46:10:13
Again I'm talking about all the gotchas for living in a dangerous world. Well when you eliminate those things, those things from your world, it stops being dangerous. So just, I had to teach myself to not see bakeries, you know. Yeah, I, I mean, if you leave me alone with a half a cake, I'll eat the same.
00:46:10:15 - 00:46:14:05
You know, it's just. Yeah, it just is, you know.
00:46:14:07 - 00:46:17:15
Yeah, yeah.
00:46:17:17 - 00:46:19:15
I don't bring it home.
00:46:19:17 - 00:46:22:10
00:46:22:12 - 00:46:23:14
00:46:23:16 - 00:46:53:18
The last thing I wanted to mention, let's just dive out, which was trauma. That's that's on the list of four horrible things that cause illness. And trauma is something that is either a one time big deal or drip, drip, drip. But you can get into cortisol dysregulation. And when you do that and you have problems sleeping, you have problems dealing with body weight, especially belly fat.
00:46:53:20 - 00:47:02:00
Blood glucose. Right. That's one of the biggest thing. That's cortisol is the blood glucose levels.
00:47:02:02 - 00:47:25:15
Yep. Yeah I'm thinking of a old client who had diabetes. But she was very allergic to a lot of things. So she couldn't have medication. It would actually make her eyes bleed. So the only way she had to control the diabetes was naturally. And she lost tapes of weight. She was eating healthy, but stress levels through the roof and so much unprocessed trauma.
00:47:25:17 - 00:47:29:17
And so, yeah, had levels hadn't budged in two.
00:47:29:18 - 00:47:56:17
Yeah. I had, recently had a client who was on a continuous glucose monitor. Well, because she was pre-diabetic and she bought the cortisol is tincture that we make. And she said, you take a dropper full of this thing and you can watch, the glucose glucometer, how the glucose level is coming down, how the insulin level is coming down.
00:47:56:17 - 00:48:05:07
It's just phenomenally effective. And she said, effortlessly lost all the belly fat. Thank you.
00:48:05:09 - 00:48:10:14
Thank you. Drops. What's inside the tincture? Curious. Or is it like a sacred ingredient?
00:48:10:14 - 00:48:17:11
It's about ten ingredients, but rhodiola and ashwagandha are the main players and the few others. You. I look it up.
00:48:17:13 - 00:48:22:08
What was it? You can look it up. Yeah. Like, do you mean, adaptogenic herbs?
00:48:22:10 - 00:48:45:02
No. No, I mean, I can tell you what's in it, except I don't remember it off the top of my head. And so I'm just looking it up here on my other screen. So forgive me while I'm looking at it. Well, good. Okay. Here goes. It is. Rhodiola Cedar berries. Juniper berries. Hawthorn berries. Black Cohosh blue Cohosh blue.
00:48:45:02 - 00:49:03:23
Vervain planting ginger and lobelia. Nice. That's that's the mix. Yeah. It's supremely effective. We have used it on veterans coming in because they have PTSD. They have dysregulated.
00:49:04:01 - 00:49:26:05
Cortisol regime takes it away. Super effective for people who like to do something hyper active late into the night like game players or students. We give them that and it just within 20 minutes they're gone out. Yeah. Yeah that's cool.
00:49:26:07 - 00:49:35:05
All right. This has been we've covered heaps of different things. It's been very interesting. I've learned some things about my body to say thank you.
00:49:35:07 - 00:49:41:12
How can people get in touch with you, Martin? And how can they find out more about you?
00:49:41:14 - 00:49:59:10
Yeah. The website is called Life Enthusiast Life Dash hyphen enthusiast.com. And we have a channel on YouTube is Life and Co and on telegram and on Rumble and I think that's about it.
00:49:59:12 - 00:50:05:16
Yeah. Awesome. And I think you've got pain Manifesto guide as well. Can you tell us. Yeah.
00:50:05:17 - 00:50:36:07
Yeah that's a, that's a free giveaway tool that we have on our website. It's a report. It's sort of chronicles my journey, explains all the way the Pain Manifesto is look at this ginormous problem all around you, all the different things that you will hear about. And yet there's a path through it that's fairly easy. Yeah. Awesome. And that's the heal your gut.
00:50:36:09 - 00:51:05:04
When you heal your gut, you decrease your inflammatory, I don't know, the chronic inflammation that may be in your body. When that goes away, pain level goes down. And well, everything we just covered, exercise, trauma, food, toxins, all of that needs to be handled. Yeah. I so often get people ask me, so what's the most important thing I need to do?
00:51:05:06 - 00:51:07:12
A holistic approach.
00:51:07:14 - 00:51:13:02
And I say back named the most important wheel on your card. Yeah.
00:51:13:04 - 00:51:16:18
Yeah exactly. It all. It's all important.
00:51:16:20 - 00:51:18:05
Yeah I like that.
00:51:18:07 - 00:51:23:23
All right. Thank you so much. It was so good to talk.
00:51:24:01 - 00:51:25:20
Yeah. Glad you enjoyed it.
00:51:25:22 - 00:51:30:00
Thanks Martin.
00:51:30:02 - 00:51:40:05
Thank you so much for listening. We so appreciate you. If you'd like to give us extra smiles, drop us a review and spread the love by sharing this episode.
00:51:40:06 - 00:51:58:14
You can also write your own state of burnout and the root cause contributors by taking our Ending Body Burnout assessment on our website. And if you're interested in learning about that group one on one Ending body burnout programs, shoot us a DM via Instagram or Facebook. Have the best day ever.