Free 3-Part Series
Unravel Perfectionism & Body Burnout
Join us for a special 3-part series, to help you unravel perfectionism & “busy” patterns, the impact it is having on your body, and steps to rewire & heal your health issues - in a way that will last!
Register below to access the recordings & resources - available for FREE until 28 Jan 9pm AEDT
"Unravel Perfectionism & Body Burnout"

Free event: Overcome perfectionism, end your body burnout & get your spark back!
"True health begins when perfectionism ends."
Has “busyness”, perfectionism, over-doing & people pleasing got you feeling BODY BURNOUT? Energy sapped, brain foggy, anxious & overwhelmed, and even your gut and other body parts are showing “weird” health issues?
Want to finally get to the bottom of why you feel the way you do, and get your spark & your life back?
Register for our FREE coaching week and we’ll run you through how to do just that!

During this
FREE 3-part coaching experience
you'll get:

It’s not just theory - it’s PRACTICAL!
We will be giving you worksheets & questionnaires to work through, to help you uncover root-causes & action steps for healing your WHOLE self.
We will also be live on the call with you to coach you & help you get breakthroughs & insights into your body burnout & perfectionism patterns, that you won’t get anywhere else!
You will be armed & empowered with knowledge on how to heal your WHOLE self from body burnout
You will discover the missing pieces in your health journey so far - and what’s blocking your healing
You will be gifted our Adrenal Diet eBook, that will guide you to use food as medicine to support your stress hormones
You will also be gifted our Mindful Movement protocol, designed to get your body moving safely to heal burnout
We aren’t just going to “teach” you stuff - if you show up willing & present, you CAN get a transformation in this live coaching week experience

During the 3-part coaching series,
we'll uncover the following:

Day 1
Body Systems: Discover the Key Body Systems That Burnout When Running Perfectionism Patterns
You’re juggling all the things, over-doing, over-achieving, exhausted & burned-out. You’re noticing you’re more sensitive, moody, snappy, anxious - or stuck in shut-down, functional freeze. And now your body is sending you all sorts of weird messages - gut issues, hormonal imbalances, autoimmune flares, body pain, skin issues. Telling you ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
When you have been stuck running “busy” patterns for years, maybe even decades, at some point your body systems start burning out. When this occurs, it shows up as mental and physical symptoms, and it can perpetuate “busy” patterns, as your nervous system becomes super dysregulated, keeping you in fight-flight or freeze-facade.
In today’s session, we’ll be digging into the physical imbalances that result from running perfectionism and over-doing patterns, and how to test and recorrect body system imbalances.
We'll be going over:
- Three key body systems that burnout when you’re running perfectionist patterns
- Why most GP’s & medical specialists miss these important body systems
- How the unconscious controls body systems & why you MUST address the unconscious when dealing with physical health issues
- Diagnostic quiz to pinpoint your perfectionism patterns
- How these body systems lead to energy, mood, gut & other “weird” health issues
- Functional lab testing to detect body system imbalances
- Self-tests to help detect potential imbalances

Day 2
Deepest Root-Cause: Identify What’s Driving Your Patterns & Body Burnout
In our practice, we go DEEP into a ROOT-root-cause medicine approach - no bandaids here!
A common mistake we see when people are trying to heal from chronic health issues, is that they are using protocols (including natural protocols) to treat symptoms, but not addressing the root.
This might look like taking supplements for adrenal fatigue or liver support, or eating healthy, or exercising, or even ticking off nervous system regulation practices like meditation, yoga or breathwork.
It might help to “manage” the symptoms, but it doesn’t resolve them, not fully - or long-term.
Because the deepest root of why you are in body burnout has not been addressed, and this largely comes back to deeper dysfunctional “busy” patterns you are running, stemming from unconscious core beliefs you have about yourself, stuck emotion and trapped trauma.
On Day 2, we’ll look into WHY - why did your body systems burnout in the first place? We’ll dive into the unconscious mind to look at the deepest root-cause of perfectionism & body burnout.
We'll be going over:
- Get clear on WHY your body systems have burnt out
- The interconnection between the unconscious, the nervous system & the body systems
- The deepest root-cause of perfectionism and other “busy” patterns, and body burnout
- Identifying your core dysfunctional belief/s that are driving patterns and burnout
- How patterns of perfectionism & “busyness” can’t be changed consciously, only unconsciously
- How trauma affects the body & behaviour
- How to reprogram new beliefs
- How to eliminate symptoms with your mind

Day 3
Food & Move: Support Your Healing With Flow Not Force
Today we move into food & movement - what you can do to support your body when it is feeling all kinds of burnout. You see, healthy lifestyle habits are key to healing. You ain’t going to heal eating McDonalds all day!
However, what we see predominantly in people with perfectionism type patterns, is they put so much pressure on themselves to “be healthy”, that they either cause so much dysregulation in their body that the lovely food and movement isn’t doing much at all. Or, there is so much fear around food, movement and toxins, that they live restrictively. Or, they develop an all-or-nothing mentality - dang, I ate the cake! That’s it, I may as well eat crappy for the rest of the week as I’ve stuffed up - and then feel amounts of shame or guilt.
Today we’ll also coach you on how to live in a healing and healthy way, from a place of flow and deep self-permission (which can only ever come from the unconscious mind).
We'll be going over:
- Food to support an overwhelmed, stressed-out body & mind
- Movement protocol to safely get moving & increase your energy & capacity - without causing further burnout
- Why “self-care” can end up just being a “tick” on the to-do list, and how to make it deeply part of who you are
- Making change with FLOW not FORCE
- How to access self-permission from the unconscious mind
Perfectionism is an avoidance tactic.
It promises us that if we use it, we will avoid feeling negative emotions, rejection from others, and feelings of failure.
It is a trauma response designed to protect you.
The problem is, it doesn't work. And it ends up making you sick.
Let's change that!
On a mission to end body burnout...
for good!!
We’re putting on this free live coaching week because we are on a mission to end body burnout…for good! I (Filly) have experienced body burnout THREE times, and each time I had to go deeper into discovering the root-cause - not just looking at the physical body, but also the unconscious mind, the nervous system & the brain, and how these other parts of our “body” greatly impact symptoms & your ability to heal.
It took me 10 years to unlock the code - and now I want to accelerate your healing & take you through exactly what I did to resolve my chronic weird health issues - anxiety, insomnia, gut issues, low immunity, body pain, female hormone issues, low energy, chemical sensitivity, histamine intolerance - as well as deep-seated perfectionism, people pleasing & addictive-doing patterns that led to the health issues in the first place.
When you learn how to understand all layers of your WHOLE self & how to align them for healing - THIS is a game changer! You essentially become your own self-healer & self-regulator for life, so you don’t end up in a state of body burnout again.

Client Reviews - listen in to how our clients unravelled perfectionism & ended their body burnout!
Kristy Russell
Kristy so honestly and generously shares her ending body burnout journey, and how she overcame perfectionism, overwhelm, “Dragon Mum”, brain fog and allergies and histamine intolerance.
Kristy shares what life looks like now - flow and deep connection in her relationships, expansive energy within her business, calm in body and mind (and off ALL medications for allergies), and a life free of trauma triggers.
Sarah shares her ending body burnout story, and how she overcame chronic Gastritis flareups, anxiety, fatigue, food sensitivities, rosacea, hair loss & difficulty putting on weight.
We dive into the way Sarah identified & overcame her deepest ROOT-root-cause of body burnout, which stemmed from a hidden unconscious belief about being helpless, which was ramping up anxiety, perfectionism, over-doing and body system imbalances.
Grace reached out to us initially as she was exhausted by her perfectionism, over-doing, over-responsible patterns, and was fed up with her life.
She had a previous history of breast cancer, going 110% trying to “fix” the root-cause, as well as debilitating vestibular migraines that would often leave her flat in bed for 17 hours a day. We dive deep into her ROOT-root-cause that was affecting EVERYTHING, and how she continued to lean into the process, even when things got tough. And how she came out the otherside a well, balanced, calmer, more relaxed woman!
Listen to her story below
Listen to her story below
Listen to her story below
About Chris & Filly

Chris Bellette
Burnout Recovery Coach
Master NLP Practitioner
Human Movement Science Grad
Former athlete & Army reservist
Filly's food taste tester
Beach-loving guitar player

Filipa Bellette
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Clinical Nutritionist, Coach & Trauma Therapist
PhD Scholar
Award-winning author
Mama of 2 girls
Lover of sunshine & good food